Need small magnetic board with staff notation
February 15, 2006 11:57 AM

Where can I get a small magnetic board with staff notation and magnetic notes in the UK?

I used to use a small magnetic board to teach people how to read music. It's about A5/A4 size and is made like a flat pencil case... it holds magnetic notes, sharps and flats. The top of the case is white and magnetic with staff lines for the notes inscribed.
I've looked everywhere I can and asked around... nobody seems to know where I can get hold of one of these things in the UK.
I don't want a massive whiteboard, just the small case/board.
For those interested, you use about 8 notes all on the same note. The pupil plays it in a loop. As the pupil gets to the end of it, you quickly move one of the notes. It's a great way to build up sight-reading for beginners.
posted by BobsterLobster to Education (4 answers total)
How about a conventional white board with the staff drawn in permanent marker or black striping tape? You could just erase the notes without having to worry about the staff. Not as neat as what you wanted but available.
posted by doctor_negative at 2:13 PM on February 15, 2006

I need it to be portable, so a conventional whiteboard is definitely out. Because of how I use them, I need to quickly slide the magnetic notes up and down. It just doesn't work if I redraw them.
posted by BobsterLobster at 3:05 PM on February 15, 2006

The "Music for Little Mozarts" method series includes a dry-erase activity board with magnetic markers in its supplemental materials; a few places in the UK seem to carry these online at least.
posted by nonane at 6:22 AM on February 16, 2006

YES, that's what I want! Good job! It's a shame it doesn't come with magnetic sharps and flats but it's good enough.
posted by BobsterLobster at 8:14 AM on February 16, 2006

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