No interest in food except thin liquids. Help!
July 27, 2018 6:52 PM

I was sick for the past week with a bad respiratory bug. I lost any interest in eating. It's been two days since the respiratory symptoms have left but I still can't get myself to eat actual food. WTF? How do I cope?

I track my calories for weight loss purposes and have been averaging 700 calories a day for the last week due to this issue (I should be eating 1500). This was fine-ish for the first few days when I was holed up in bed, but I have no energy now and I can't think well.

I have tried forcing myself to eat things like softly boiled fish and eggs, pasta, rice, mashed cauliflower, etc but it is absolutely repellant and I end up gagging. Today I tried eating a plain cheeseburger and after two bites I was absolutely disgusted. Not from flavor but like, my body is just saying NO DO NOT WANT. In a lot of cases it feels like a texture issue, and/or over sensitive taste buds.

Despite listening to my body and trying to just consume what actually sounds appetizing, I'm still hungry.

Most of my calories have come from very fatty bone broths, juice, ice cream, honey, and whiskey. The latter mostly being when I was sick as it helped with the honey to ease my throat soreness.

I went to urgent care and they said basically, meh, you're still recovering, just take it easy for the time being. How much longer should I take this advice before visiting another doctor?

Also, any suggestions on other ways I can get in more calories that won't involve forcing myself to choke down foods that are downright unappetizing? Are there palatable protein shakes that have a thin enough consistency?
posted by joan_holloway to Health & Fitness (20 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Are you taking 24-Hour Sudafed, 12-Hour Sudafed, or any similar extended-release product? Because I noticed a massive appetite decrease when on those, googled it, and found several pro-anorexia threads talking about how great they are for appetite reduction. The non-extended-release versions of the drug don't do that to me, so I switched back to using those.
posted by vegartanipla at 7:04 PM on July 27, 2018

I would recommend ensure. I have this problem and whenever I get anything heavier than a light cold I tend to drop pounds. I am not trying to lose weight so this can get very distressing. Last November I got my flu shot too late (my bad) and got the monster flu that was going around and dropped 10 pounds. the only thing I could eat was what you’re talking about. Ensure was one of the only things that stopped me from losing even more. There are a few meal replacement shakes on the market but I like ensure because it’s more focused on nutrition than weight loss which is not the issue! They have a few that are more geared towards weight gain- those are the best. I hope you recover soon. (Also it comes in many flavors so you can find the least objectionable one. I found the chocolate one too strong- but the vanilla was ok.
posted by Homo neanderthalensis at 7:14 PM on July 27, 2018

Seconding Ensure -- the Butter Pecan flavour is pretty okay.

In similar situations I've had pretty good luck with mashed potatoes, very heavy on butter/cream, or baked potatoes with lots of butter. If broths are working okay, a classic chicken soup, or something like a vichyssoise, or a not-very-chunky beef stew might be a good intermediary step? Or maybe a chicken pot pie?

Dips and spreads on crackers can also sometimes work well. When I'm sick and don't want to eat, I can sometimes tempt myself with peanut butter or margarine spread on saltine crackers; maybe that, or a hummus with whatever accompaniments seem least-objectionable, could work for you? (I also have a friend who, in similar circumstances, found chopped liver spread on Ritz crackers to be weirdly palatable, but that may be an outlier case.)

You could also go in a sweet-not-savoury direction and try some fruit cobblers or crisps, possibly.
posted by halation at 7:33 PM on July 27, 2018

Things that go down easy for me when I am or have been sick:
Cream of wheat
Toast with butter and honey
Applesauce with wheat germ.
posted by ewok_academy at 7:42 PM on July 27, 2018

My version of the "gentle foods" list:

ramen noodles, maybe with miso added
Just miso soup (it's pretty nutritious), with parsley or the leaves from a bunch of celery
water crackers
avocado maki (basic vegetarian sushi)
cucumber maki
dill pickles (not sweet)

super valuable for the potassium content:
honeydew melon
V8 (might be too acidic, might not)

Last time, I got desperate and just mixed a little sugar in some water and it helped significantly. I thought it would taste terrible but it didn't.
** All of the foods you listed sounded...not plain enough for me? But your situation might be different from mine.
posted by amtho at 8:02 PM on July 27, 2018

Peanut butter to top the ice cream? That would at least get you some protein.

Breakfast cereal with milk, but mostly milk?

I was wondering about refried beans, if it could be close enough in texture to ice cream to pass muster?
posted by XMLicious at 8:12 PM on July 27, 2018

How about some fruit? When I've been sick like that the only food I can handle is fruit. I'm particularly fond of canned pears in juice for some unknown reason, but I've also eaten melon, peaches, berries- soft wet food that is easy to swallow. The Ensure kind of stuff sounds like a good idea too. This is not the time to restrict calorie intake.
posted by mareli at 8:54 PM on July 27, 2018

Ensure, and in my experience it went down better when I got it as cold as possible without letting it freeze immediately before having it and drank it as quickly as possible. I think especially if you can get ice cream down, you will find that it being sufficiently cold will help with both the taste and texture perception.
posted by Sequence at 9:13 PM on July 27, 2018

I find kefir to be filling and satisfying. How about applesauce? And if you have a blender, you can make fruit/yogurt/peanut butter smoothies thinner or thicker as you want.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 9:20 PM on July 27, 2018

Thank you for the suggestions so far! Watermelon and applesauce actually sound appealing to me right now so I think I will hit up the store in the morning. I will also try Ensure and thank you for the suggestion of making it very cold.

I might have some nut butter in the pantry and will see about mixing it into my ice cream. It sounds a bit too thick right now but who knows.

I tried eating some very basic sushi tonight, including my favorite types, and I was D.O.N.E after two pieces. Then an hour later I was starving again. GRR! Yesterday I tried to do rice and felt gross after a few spoonfuls. It's so weird and annoying. I normally love all the foods.

Oh, and no, I am not on Sudafed or any other cold or pain meds since Tuesday. It must be somehow related to being sick though.
posted by joan_holloway at 9:28 PM on July 27, 2018

Kefir is good, so is chocolate milk. Instead of Ensure, I tend towards just some Carnation Instant Breakfast in whole milk. Just to keep the calories up. PB (or cheese) and crackers. Rice, but with butter and soy sauce, or topped with cheese and some eel sauce (generic soy sauce and mirin and sugar). Or for some reason tater-tots. The goal for me seems to be to power through the first few bites with something that triggers the body's "I got some quick sweet energy food coming down the chute" which kicks in after the third or fourth bite. Then it's up to rice and beans or similar with some steamed veggies with some parm and/or balsamic vinegar for something more like actual meals.
posted by zengargoyle at 9:45 PM on July 27, 2018

Ice cream is the perfect food. Finish the carton, and get more! I find a high fat, natural ingredients, cream-first type like vanilla Haagen Daaz is most palatable and nutritious.
posted by pseudostrabismus at 12:11 AM on July 28, 2018

Have you tried smoothies? You can easily pack a lot of calories into a smoothie, and you could mix in some protein-y stuff too.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 1:21 AM on July 28, 2018

I wouldn't worry about it, you wont die from eating 700 calories a day for a few weeks. People fast for longer than that. Los calories and fasting has been shown to "reset" your immune system and maybe your body is telling you you need that right now. My body prefers not too eat much when it's sick either and it's never had any long term consequence. If you lose too much weight you will gain it back quickly once you feel better in my experience because you will be extra hungry for a few days.

I know you are trying to stick to a weight loss plan but listening to your body when it's really trying to tell you something is important too.
posted by fshgrl at 1:42 AM on July 28, 2018

What about oatmeal? The quicker it says it cooks, the smoother it will be. If you put a spoonful of PB at the bottom it will melt really wonderfully, and then top with brown sugar and heavy cream. I also like adding (hot) tinned pie apples. My personal favourite is steel cut oats, which cook quickly if you soak overnight (I just measure everything out into the pot and leave it) and keep / reheat well. YMMV depending on texture preferences.

I also really like Malt-O-Meal, PB cookies, and oranges. Milkshakes too.

I hope you feel better!
posted by jrobin276 at 2:56 AM on July 28, 2018

Do you have access to cannabis? Many people find that food, including stuff that would normally seem a bit weird, becomes much more appealing when they're stoned. It's famous for that. Cancer patients often use it as an appetite stimulant. I know that when I personally am stoned it takes a bit of self-control to stop myself from just binge eating everything in the house.

Give it a try, if you can. If you don't normally consume cannabis then I'd recommend trying it in the evening, when you've done all the important things you need to do that day and are pretty much ready for bed. That way if you find that the mind-altering effects are stopping you from getting anything done, you can just go to sleep.
posted by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The at 3:58 AM on July 28, 2018

Sometimes when I get in this mode, I find that spicy foods are way more palatable than delicately flavored ones.
posted by Blue Jello Elf at 10:19 AM on July 28, 2018

I just went thought a dental surgery and was only allowed liquids for a few days. This is what I found helpful, but of course YMMV.

1. Yes to the Ensure, or Boost, or WalMart brand meal replacement , or what ever equivalent there is near you. All are about the same. You may want to spring for the kind with extra fibre. (ask me how I know)

2. Kefir is pretty good for this. I ended up making a thin smoothie with kefir, powdered peanut butter, nutella and a banana. Was tasty, not too thick. I find the powdered peanut butter blends in better. It also may avoid triggering any thoughts about gloppyness.

3. Soup. All the soup. I put it through the blender to make sure there was no chunks and drank from a mug. You can beef it up with cream, or some soft cheeses. These are nice because you can toss in soft vegetables and give a change from all the sweet options. If you are tired then even a can of cream of mushroom whizzed through a blender can be a lifesaver.

4. If you like coffee try switching to a heavier cream than you usually use. Also works if you use calorie free sweeteners, use this as an excuse to go back to sugar for a few days.
posted by csmithrim at 11:29 AM on July 28, 2018

From your update it sounds like you can handle some foods, but only in teensy amounts? So maybe just eating small portions every one or two hours would help your stomach get used to eating again?
posted by Omnomnom at 12:51 PM on July 28, 2018

Thank you once again. I can't believe that it completely didn't occur to me to go to the local pot shop (I'm in WA). Today has been better - I had some spicy beef broth with a poached egg, some fried rice, and now half of a burger patty. It was helpful to hear that other people have experienced this as it's just never happened to me. I'm also giving myself permission to just eat small bits here and there rather than try to eat actual meals.
posted by joan_holloway at 7:38 PM on July 28, 2018

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