More books like High Maintenance by Jennifer Belle?
July 2, 2018 3:20 PM

My friend needs a novel to read that's funny along the lines of Jennifer Belle's High Maintenance. In the past I have suggested Crazy Rich Asians for her, and I just sent her The Good House By Ann Leary because it has a sort of "Wow this is so messed up" feeling on almost every page. But it's not as weirdly funny at Jennifer Belle's stuff. Any fans of Belle have other authors you are similarly fond of? Thanks!
posted by BibiRose to Writing & Language (3 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
I wasn't going to reply to this, not having read Jennifer Belle, but since no one else seems to have either, (too bad, I was looking for suggestions as well) I'd recommend:

Where'd You Go, Bernadette
The Divorce Papers
Off to Be the Wizard

All of which I thought were funny, pretty light and very enjoyable.
posted by still_wears_a_hat at 9:02 AM on July 3, 2018

Thank you, still_wears_a_hat! I was only familiar with Where'd You Go, Bernadette which is, indeed, a good call so I'm thinking the other two will be also.

I've also remembered A Novel Called Heritage by Margaret Mitchell Dukore, which had a similar wtf quality to me, but it's out of print and the style is somewhat grating as I recall. (It came out in 1982 and some of it may just be dated.)
posted by BibiRose at 9:44 AM on July 5, 2018

After reading High Maintenance, prompted by this question, I wonder if The Dud Avocado would hit the same spot -- the high-energy young possibly unreliable narrator seems similar.
posted by nonane at 5:31 PM on January 10, 2019

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