Help me make my little Subaru look like a toy car
June 27, 2018 5:47 AM   Subscribe

I have just bought a 2001 Subaru Justy. He looks like this (this photo doesn't really convey how dinky he is). What can I do to make him look (even more) like a toy car?

I imagine stickers and stuff. (You can design and print stickers, right?) I see before my minds eye Fisher Price cars, but how does that translate to life-size?
  • Can I make him eyes somehow? Usually the headlights are the eyes and I can't really futz with those (I know there are eyelashes for them, but they look too girly, he's a guy).
  • Friend suggested getting hubcaps and painting them. Will that work? Spray paint? All one colour or four different colours?
  • What do I do with the sides? Just big geometric shapes like this? Will this look super-stupid? (a little stupid is fine)
Anything else I'm not thinking of? Is this a dumb idea I'll grow tired of after 2 weeks? (Bearing in mind my bedroom looks like this and I love it.)
posted by ClarissaWAM to Travel & Transportation (16 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Nice car. Kind of a boring color though. You could fix that with some paint, primary colors, different for each panel? THEN stickers.
posted by ubiquity at 5:55 AM on June 27, 2018

Best answer: Not sure where you'd place it, but toy car = wind up key.
posted by enfa at 6:06 AM on June 27, 2018 [14 favorites]

Best answer: there is a trend on making real-world objects (purses, pants, etc) look "cel shaded" and that gives them (IMO) a cartoony look. Might be interesting?
posted by alchemist at 6:22 AM on June 27, 2018 [2 favorites]

Best answer: Maybe make a little fake zip pull sticking out of the back. Like on those toy cars where you pull the thing out and it makes the wheels go and then you let it go on the hardwood floors but it accidentally goes into the kitchen and mom almost breaks her neck on it and starts hollerin' at you.

You know, these things.
posted by bondcliff at 6:27 AM on June 27, 2018

Best answer: I think if you went for colored hubcaps that would give you a real cartoon look. I'd see if you can get some full-cover ones. Probably spray paint and then a clear coat over the top of them. Pinterest is full of ideas. And yes, googly eyes that are car size are a thing.
posted by jessamyn at 6:42 AM on June 27, 2018

Best answer: If you're worried about making a decision you won't be in love with forever, you can get a custom vinyl car wrap. It will last between one to five years and is easily removable earlier than that. People do all kinds of goofy wraps. Looks like someone did a Fisher Price wrap on a Smart Car.
posted by lieber hair at 6:45 AM on June 27, 2018 [5 favorites]

Response by poster: Ahaa, yes, those vinyl car wraps are exactly what people have recommended (I'm not giving this car a full paint job, that would probably cost more than the car did). I really like the idea of different colours for different panels like that Smart.

And OMG that wind up key is BRILLIANT, tho I'm also not sure where I could put it on that car. Hm. Perhaps a zip pull like bondcliff suggests would work cuz it can stick up.

The paint job on those hubcaps is amazing. Not sure how well white/yellow keeps with use, but can be adapted.

The googly eyes are great (I actually have some from Archie McPhee), but don't solve the problem of where to put them. Definitely not over the headlights like on that Amazon pic! *lol*

Thank you all, you've already given me great ideas to work with! :D
posted by ClarissaWAM at 7:05 AM on June 27, 2018

Best answer: Plasti-Dip, that liquid rubber you get at the hardware store for coating tool handles, has found itself a new market in car modders. It comes in lots of colors now, you can get in spray cans or use a paint sprayer, and it peels off when you get tired of it.

If you just want to apply small details like the cel shading, you can buy sheets or rolls of adhesive vinyl stock (like they sell for scrapbookers and signmakers) and cut them out freehand with an exacto knife.

Please please come back and post photos of whatever you decide to do!
posted by yeahlikethat at 7:28 AM on June 27, 2018 [5 favorites]

Best answer: eyelashes, hmm, so a mustache and shaggy eyebrows like an elder Thomas the tank engine character.
posted by sammyo at 7:47 AM on June 27, 2018 [2 favorites]

Best answer: The eyes might need to be saved for a windshield sun shade. (Link provided mostly for demonstration of concept, though what do I know, maybe daily hilarity is worth $155 to you.)
posted by teremala at 8:25 AM on June 27, 2018 [3 favorites]

This isn't a modification to the car itself, but you could make him look like a model in a photo using tilt-shift photography.
posted by Prunesquallor at 8:35 AM on June 27, 2018 [2 favorites]

Use a wrap before you consider painting the actual car body. An aftermarket paint is never going to be as good as the factory paint and will decrease the resale value of the car. (even if you don't plan on selling NOW, something may happen).
posted by kzin602 at 11:11 AM on June 27, 2018 [1 favorite]

I once saw a Mini with a decal that read "Actual Size." Was very funny. A quick Google search shows that you can get them from numerous sources.
posted by John Borrowman at 1:24 PM on June 27, 2018 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: All great ideas, thanks! (Those windshield screens made me laugh out loud so my cat jumped off me. Bit pricey tho.)
posted by ClarissaWAM at 10:43 PM on June 27, 2018

It's possible to buy a life-size HotWheels emblem to put on the side of the car.

(There was an actual licensed tie-in with the Camaro, but various vendors sell possibly-unlicensed emblems that you could stick on yourself.)
posted by vogon_poet at 7:55 PM on June 28, 2018

Response by poster: Hi all, just updating you that sadly after nearly six months of inaction it was obvious this wouldn't happen, so I have just ordered hippie flowers instead.

I briefly looked into wrapping by the way and it would cost nearly half what the car itself cost. You can get DIY versions on AliExpress, but I can just about imagine how that would turn out.
posted by ClarissaWAM at 2:19 PM on December 2, 2018

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