Advice/recommendations for Vancouver jewelry (coin too?) appraisers
April 17, 2018 3:46 PM

Should I seek appraisal before selling my mother's jewelry for its melt value, and anyone have any recommendations for appraisers or metal/gem buyers in the Vancouver, BC area?

Little bit of background: My mother passed away several years ago and I'm finally dealing with her jewelry and collectible coin collection -- deciding it's best to try and sell them, as I've already picked items I would wear, and the rest (so much of it) is not my style nor can be passed down to future generations.

What I've gleaned so far from a bit of research is it's better to use an appraiser as jewelry stores will have "ulterior motives" (paying less for item and reselling?), and unless I'm willing to go through the Craigslist route for the "perfect customer" (seems like a lot of stress and trouble), it's virtually worth just its metal melt value without a customer who cares for its style, the era it came from, etc.

Am I wrong? Should I go to an appraiser first to actually see its worth (concerned this will be costly), before I go and find someone who wants to buy the metal? For either profession (appraisal or gold/gem buyer, etc.), would anyone have any recommended profession in Vancouver, BC, that they've had a positive, personal experience with?

Thank you so much, Hive Mind. Just an overwhelming world to me and would be a relief to finally deal with it!!

oh boy, hope i picked the right category...
posted by branparsons to Shopping (3 answers total)
Have you considered selling via consignment? There are a few listed on Yelp. Seems like you'll always get more from someone who wants to buy a piece rather than just the melt value.

This may have come up as related when you posted the question, but this context on getting a good value for scrap jewelry has stuck with me for several years. Here's another good one.
posted by Admiral Haddock at 6:06 PM on April 17, 2018

My parents are estate jewelers. A reputable estate jeweler, perhaps with their own shop, will consign some of the pieces, buy some directly from you, and buy some based solely on the weight of the metal. Hopefully some folks in this thread can point you to some good people in your area!
posted by 8603 at 6:26 PM on April 17, 2018

Thank you, Admiral Haddock! I honestly hadn't seen that livejournal post/all that glitters topic response -- that person was crazy detailed and helpful! I am reading through it now.

I also hadn't considered consignment but will now! (Thank you too, 8603!)
posted by branparsons at 1:18 PM on April 18, 2018

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