Recommend me some Spanish podcasts I'll enjoy!
April 10, 2018 11:07 AM

I'm learning Spanish and want to listen to podcasts but I'm not having much luck finding ones which interest me.

I like Radio Ambulante but so far it's the only Spanish language podcast I've found that has held my interest.

Non-Spanish podcasts I listen to regularly include:

Stuff You Should Know
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Mensch, Otto! Mensch, Theile!

I've seen other similar questions but they were from a while ago and I'm hoping there are some new podcasts people love.
posted by neilb449 to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
Slate's El Gabfest en Español has the advantage of being about current events so it might be easier to understand in context.
posted by mmascolino at 7:02 PM on April 10, 2018

I'm a big fan of Diana Uribe's Historia del Mundo. (It's a radio programme but a podcasty one.)
posted by Lluvia at 1:40 AM on April 11, 2018

Also in the radio-but-distributed via podcast category: Alejandro Dolina's La Venganza Será Terrible. Whole sections of it can be a drag for me (he's a fair-but-not-great musician, and plays requests he doesn't really know on a bad MIDI keyboard) but the sections labeled as "Humoristico" share something of a sensibility with MBMBaM I think, if the McElroys were 20 years older and born in Buenos Aires. They tend to riff on advice columns from housekeeping magazines ("10 Steps for Generating Your Own Compost," that sort of thing). The humor is linguistically and culturally very, very Argentine (and porteño speciifically) though.
posted by dr. boludo at 6:13 AM on April 11, 2018

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