Moves app + Move-O-Scope alternative for mapping travels and activities?
March 14, 2018 5:37 AM

Help me find a good alternative to the location and activity tracking app Moves, and the data visualisation tool Move-O-Scope to log and visualise my travels and activities.

I've been using the Moves app in conjunction with Move-O-Scope to create a visualisation of my movements across this ball of rock for the last 5 years, and to log my activities such as running, cycling and hiking. Sadly, development of the Moves app seems to have ceased and it's now too buggy to use reliably, and the Move-O-Scope is closing down.

I'm looking for an alternative solution to do exactly the same thing as these tools previously did - namely, an app which uses my phone to track my movements and activities and either presents them all on a map, or exports the data to a service which does. I'd also like to be able to import the 5 years of data I've accumulated using Moves (I can export as JSON, CSV, KML, GPX and ICS files) to the new app/service. I'm on iOS but would switch to Android for the right solution. I'm not really interested in additional lifelogging features, unless the app provides the above core functionality - I'm primarily interested in seeing a big, ideally beautiful, map of my travels and activities. Many thanks!
posted by gravelshoes to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I've been using Arc (iOS) the past 4 months or so - driven by Moves' inability to either stay loaded or tell me when it dropped. Arc will display a map of where you've been each day, and can export a GPX file daily to iCloud drive.

Downside, it doesn't import or analyze anything. I haven't had a chance to really play with anything on that side, so I'll watch for answers.
posted by neilbert at 8:57 AM on March 14, 2018

Thanks. Google gives a good overview but doesn't really have the granularity I'm looking for. Arc looks great and potentially a good replacement. The developer has signalled that they plan on introducing more data visualisations so will see what they do. I'll drop them a line to suggest import from Moves - would be a great way to capture all us poor Moves refugees.
posted by gravelshoes at 3:58 AM on March 16, 2018

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