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March 9, 2018 1:59 PM

Are there forums or other resources that discuss with credibility how to restore or at least maintain antiques or fine furniture?

I was lucky enough to travel the world for many years, and purchased large and small items I liked. They were in storage for a long time. Now that I am retired, and bought a house where I can finally display them, I find myself concerned that I don't know how to restore or maintain these sentimental artifacts.

They were in storage for a long time and seem OK, but is that Garuda Goose I bought in Jakarta the kind of thing you put pledge on? The charming rough wooden carvings of game wardens purchased in Savo Kenya look like they are drying out. Should I be worried? I have a beautiful antique oak headboard and footboard, but little strips of something (veneer?) are starting to separate, and the wood has taken an unhealthy greyish look in some areas. And so on and so forth...

I would love to hear of your books, websites, and especially active forums where people exchange tips and advice on how to care for the things they love. I have a dim memory of a TV show set up like NPR's Car Talk where bearded antique brothers gave and advice and occasionally shouted "Horse HAIR!" for no reason at all. What was that? Is there a modern equivalent? Thank you for your advice and help!
posted by seasparrow to Home & Garden (3 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Houzz hosts the Garden Web forum now, and the antiques and collectibles section might be helpful. One example, where a contributor who daylights as a professional wood restorer weighed in on a Craftsman door restoration question. Cleaning antiques, restoring antiques, and members will discuss technique and post before-and-after photography. (I've found the plant info useful, but cannot vouch for other areas.)
posted by Iris Gambol at 5:15 PM on March 9, 2018

For some old-school furniture restoration, my dad watches "The English Polisher" on youtube. He knows his stuff and it's a very relaxing watch.
posted by stillnocturnal at 12:53 AM on March 10, 2018

One of my favourite relevant YouTube channels is Thomas Johnson Antique Furniture Restoration. Just watching a skilled person doing their thing has been very helpful in my own efforts.
posted by Poldo at 8:08 AM on March 10, 2018

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