Does Firefox keep a browsable record of UPLOADED files?
February 1, 2018 1:34 PM

Halp! I just submitted a job application on the institution's website and I am second-guessing whether I actually uploaded the right .pdf file. Is there anywhere in Firefox I can look it up for my own peace of mind?

It happened in the current session and I will not close the browser until it's safe to do so. There was no login required, just a form to fill out, so I can't go back and review or manage the application on their website.

I'd like to solve this without having to e-mail HR, as I would like to avoid making a crazy impression at this crucial moment in our potential relationship!

Thanks in advance for your help!
posted by ipsative to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Probably not, for several reasons, but here's one way you might luck out:

formhistory.sqlite stores things you type into forms, which is technically how files are often uploaded. On my machine I just see things like usernames, but I suppose there's a small chance you'd get some useful.

Use something like SQLite Browser to look inside the .sqlite file.
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 2:34 PM on February 1, 2018

I appreciate your help, NSAID. However, that technique only recovered 2 of the 5 fields involved (name and e-mail address). I might just bite the bullet and drop them an e-mail today or tomorrow...
posted by ipsative at 3:22 PM on February 1, 2018

Does uploading change the "date modified" field for the PDF file in Windows? I know it does when you open a document. If so can you go to the folder where the PDF is on your machine, and see when it was last modified? (Don't open it!!!) (I have no idea about other OSes.)
posted by AFABulous at 4:29 PM on February 1, 2018

AFABulous, thanks for trying! Unfortunately, updating a file does not seem to change the last modified date in my computer.
posted by ipsative at 6:06 PM on February 1, 2018

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