How to promote a 44 year old rapper
January 29, 2018 3:55 AM

I followed all the advice in this thread and made a hip-hop video in earnest. As of right now i am at #50 on /funny and it seems to be well received. But what is next? How do i pour gasoline on this video to really knock it out of the park?

I’m really curious what specific things i could do today to get even more attention to really win this bet. The ultimate thing would be to have a famous MC say “You won the bet!” but even 100 copies purchased on ITunes would make my wife and her friends eat crow.

Now that the video is released and we don’t need to discuss its content what can i do to promote it? I am curious how any piece of content ( video / image / meme ) makes it from someone’s computer to the front of YouTube / Reddit / Twitter. I know that quality content matters but I would imagine the professionals increase the probability of success by doing something. What can I do?

I am willing to spend money / time / something to prove my wife and her friends even more wrong that I am a legitimate rapper.
posted by jasondigitized to Media & Arts

This post was deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is substantially the same question as previously -- taz

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