Help me find an NYC Therapist
November 27, 2017 8:52 AM

Please help me choose some NYC therapists to visit. This person takes Aetna, has a trauma informed approach, goes a bit further than DBT skills can take me, and understands that ADHD is different in women than in men. Perhaps someone with a proficiency in Bessel Van der Kolk’s work, as I’m also not dealing well with some complicated grief that’s associated with really fucked up childhood attachment stuff. No triggers in the rest of the ask.

I don’t care about the gender of the therapist. I’d prefer to see someone near the N/R lines but this is such a set of moving parts that I’ll go nearly anywhere to find the right fit.

(Taking care of the things in my recent asks has sort of been practice for this, I think. I’m scared I’m so broken that nobody can help me.)
posted by bilabial to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Have you looked at Psychology Today? They have an excellent list of psychiatrists and therapists to see. Detailed notes from the therapists on what they specialize in, their approaches, etc.
posted by gchucky at 10:07 AM on November 27, 2017

I’m a mess and have poor executive functioning and major anxiety/trust issues. I have looked at several recommendations a psychologist/psychiatrist/etc things and find it overwhelming and terrifying. I saw a therapist earlier this year who was objectively an asshole, including chiding me for not getting one of my partners “on the stick” (whatever the heck that means) and ‘making him’ marry me (lolwut that’s not how marriage works).
posted by bilabial at 11:30 AM on November 27, 2017

She is a psychiatrist, but she knows a lot of therapists and should be able to recommend some who fit the bill. Just go for an initial appointment and see what suggestions she has. Irene Gurvits, 212-874-5400, also has an office in Brooklyn. I hope you get to feeling at least a little better soon!
posted by 8603 at 3:56 PM on November 27, 2017

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