embarrassing medical issue at work
October 3, 2017 1:22 AM

I am a new employee at a job that involves 50% standing/walking/sorting in AM and 50% seated desk work in PM. I like the job and want to keep it but am finding that the non-sitting part irritates my hemorrhoids very badly. Agonizing and humiliating if known about. Maybe TMI inside.

The standing/walking causes my hems to protrude and throb and get worse and worse. The only temporary relief is to tuck them back in, but happens every 10-15 mins, so I go to bathroom or hide to do it, also embarrassing. Once I can sit down at my desk for the day, the swelling rapidly goes away. I am trying everything to treat them but it seems like daily irritation is making it worse. I am embarrassed about having hems and I know it is disgusting and I do not want my co-workers to know, but I also wish I could explain to work somehow about why morning tasks are more difficult for me, and perhaps get some slack while I heal. How do I approach this?
posted by anonymous to Work & Money (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I would couch it in very vague terms that you have a medical issue that requires you to sit as much as possible for the near future. Don't encourage any further enquiry as to the nature of it. Most people won't ask for details.
posted by Jubey at 1:41 AM on October 3, 2017

What Jubey said. In the unlikely event that someone presses, you can say "my varicose veins pain me when I am upright for too long" and not only is that basically true, it should also be the end of the conversation.
posted by hungrytiger at 1:55 AM on October 3, 2017

I'm sorry you're in pain.

I think, before you do anything, you should consult your employee handbook or anything else you have signed when you started the job.

At my previous job, there was a clause in the handbook that I signed agreeing that I was physically capable of doing the job as described. I'm not sure how common this is, but it's something I would consider because, unfortunately, if you did agree to this, it's something they may use against you.

Either way, I would review any documentation like that because they should have a procedure for how to handle medical issues. Good luck.
posted by girlmightlive at 4:34 AM on October 3, 2017

At my previous job, there was a clause in the handbook that I signed agreeing that I was physically capable of doing the job as described. I'm not sure how common this is

Very common, and assuming this is in the US and poster is not protected by a union is it very possible to likely that you'll be fired for being unable to do your job.

As a lifelong suffer I sympathize - maybe it's time to get them looked at by a doc? They zap them in the office now with a laser, it's not the surgery it was 25 years ago to get them removed.
posted by COD at 5:46 AM on October 3, 2017

Have you been treated or seen for your hemorrhoids? Mine (from pregnancy) went away after taking rutin (suggested by my midwife) and googling mentions it as a common remedy.

If possible, get seen and treated for them. A doctor's note saying it is temporary and with an expected end date can help with loss of job fears.
posted by jillithd at 6:41 AM on October 3, 2017

Eating bran, vegetables, fruit & beans resolved my hemorrhoids over time, as well as other issues. Get plenty of fluids, too. Prep. H helps, Lanacaine numbs them. But being regular makes the biggest difference. Sitting is bad in the long run and exercise helps, but you need to deal with the short term. I make muffins with whole wheat, bran, pumpkin, apricots, and walnuts to address several nutrition needs.

At work, explain that you have had an injury and ask if you can take it easy on standing/walking. Can you bring in a tall stool to sit on instead of standing? This might qualify for ADA adjustment, you'd have to ask an expert.

Hemorrhoids are really, really common and they're just miserable.
posted by theora55 at 8:54 AM on October 3, 2017

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