Tech solution needed:
September 15, 2017 12:45 PM

I work in a mixed Apple/Android/PC environment. I use a stylus to take notes on my work iPad with Penultimate and on my personal Galaxy Note 4 with S-Pen. I also make notes on paper or by emailing myself when I'm at my desk. As you can imagine my notes are a mess and I need a way to organize this. Help me come up with a seamless (probably cloud-based) notes workflow.

Off the table: replacing my work PC with a Mac.

On the table: switching from Android to iPhone but I really don't want to do that if I can figure out a way to make note-taking work with what I've got.

Ideally I'd like a way to have a seamless notebook that I can add to either from my computer, my iPad, or my phone. I'd like to be able to sometimes add a space BETWEEN notes to add extra info. And I am pretty married to using a stylus to write longhand on my tablet and phone, I'm terribly slow when I try to type on them. But when I'm at my PC obviously I want to enter things via typing.

I'd ALSO like to be able to OCR the things I enter by stylus so it's all searchable. Did I mention my handwriting is not amazingly legible?

Please hope me!
posted by rabbitrabbit to Technology (4 answers total)
I use Evernote a lot. One of the cool features is that I can take notes on paper, take a picture of the page of notes at the end of the meeting or a white board or whatever, and Evernote can actually read most of my awful chicken scratch so they will turn up in searches. I should work on all your devices.
posted by trbrts at 12:57 PM on September 15, 2017

You can ink directly in OneNote on Windows and it includes organizational tools and universal sync, but not sure about inking on Android/iOS. Might be worth checking out?
posted by cnc at 1:46 PM on September 15, 2017

I love onenote. I ink on my tablet, and pull up the notes on my iPhone. If it works with android, it's worth it.
posted by Valancy Rachel at 2:23 PM on September 15, 2017

Seconding Evernote.
posted by bendy at 8:24 PM on September 15, 2017

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