Where can I find this blue pinstripe tank top that says Long Beach 1975?
September 4, 2017 3:17 PM

Here is a picture of the blue pinstripe tank top in question. The IG model in the picture noted to me only that it was purchased in Medellin, Colombia. I figured googling all the things I put in the tags would yield something, but I found nothing. I am looking for some place to buy it online. Thanks!
posted by cashman to Shopping (2 answers total)
The tank also says "Core Work" and then something else I can't make out - maybe "wear". The company Jack and Jones has a line called "Core" which includes some tank tops with surf themes and the year 1975.

"jack and jones" "core work wear" brought me to this red t-shirt with vertical 1975 and a similar design to yours. It says Jack and Jones on it. So! I think your one is a Jack and Jones core product, or a rip-off of that. I haven't been able to find your exact one yet though.
posted by LobsterMitten at 3:51 PM on September 4, 2017

That's a great lead, thank you!
posted by cashman at 6:43 PM on September 4, 2017

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