Todo list applications
January 20, 2006 3:11 PM

I'm looking for web-based application that I can use to organize my todo lists. I need for it to be webbased and it also must have an RSS feed. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Already discovered:
Tada Lists
Remember the milk
posted by hubs to Computers & Internet (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I was going in here to suggest Backpack and Tada Lists, so it might help if you explained why they don't fit your needs, since they're pretty much the best the web has to offer.
posted by lia at 3:26 PM on January 20, 2006

Ahhhh... Remember The Milk is my savior! Its awesome!
posted by Chuck Cheeze at 4:06 PM on January 20, 2006

Tudu Lists

Though I love the simplicity of Tada Lists. I agree with lia - why are the three you mentioned not meeting your needs?
posted by rhapsodie at 5:46 PM on January 20, 2006

TasksPro is pretty sweet. Other versions and more information here.
posted by ajr at 7:10 PM on January 20, 2006

Netvibes has basic To Do List functionality and a whole load more - it's a very cool RSS + waaaay more app.
posted by TheDonF at 5:43 AM on January 21, 2006

thanks everyone!

lia, it's not that tada & backpack didn't fit my needs, it's just that i had already discovered those and i am looking to try out applications i haven't yet used.

thedonf, i'm using netvibes and that is why i'm requiring an rss feed from the todo list application.

so far i'm liking because of it's cell phone reminder service.

others i have found since posting the question:
blahblah list
central desktop
posted by hubs at 10:09 AM on January 23, 2006

Don't forget
posted by mark7570 at 11:19 AM on January 23, 2006

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