Maude Lebowski costume
July 29, 2017 2:27 PM

My partner is looking to put together a Maude Lebowski costume—specifically, from the scene where Maude first meets The Dude and is wearing the green robe with the huge lapels. Where can we obtain the necessary items?

It should be a pretty simple costume, right? Just need the robe (or one that resembles it) and a wig (this company sells a "Maude Lebowski wig," but it's sold out). I think the only other thing Maude is wearing is a pair of black boots (you can see them in this clip at the 1-minute mark), but we've already gotten that taken care of.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell to Shopping (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

It's called a shawl collar. If you find it in white, that olive color is easy to achieve with dye. I googled wig red bangs.
posted by theora55 at 3:45 PM on July 29, 2017

Classic Beauty Long Auburn Wig from Party City, if you're willing to cut it down to bob length.
posted by MonkeyToes at 6:01 PM on July 29, 2017

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