Tourist apartments in Budapest, Ljubljana and Sarajevo?
January 19, 2006 11:30 AM

Apartments in Budapest, Ljubljana and Sarajevo? My roommate & I are heading to Central Europe in March, and we'd like to rent apartments for a week in each of those cities, so we can have a kitchen and enough space to not drive each other crazy.

We're not picky; as long as it doesn't have cockroaches, is under 60 Euros a night, and has a pair of beds, we'll be happy. Hostels aren't an option since we're far too introverted to deal with sharing rooms with other people. Any personal recommendations?
posted by cmonkey to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total)
I stayed in Pansion America in Sarajevo was safe and up on the hill above the center of town, but not the cheapest (about 50-60 EU). Check out this pdf which lists everything in BiH. There are also places listed in Virtual Tourist
posted by _zed_ at 12:29 PM on January 19, 2006

Guesthouse Garibaldi, at 5 Garibaldi Uc. (Pest-side) in Budapest. It doesn't have a kitchen, but it's got private rooms and is run by a very friendly Hungarian lady who speaks, English, Russian, German and French in addition to Hungarian. Don't have a number, unfortunately.
posted by nyterrant at 12:31 PM on January 19, 2006

I'd just like to throw out the thought that food will probably be pretty cheap while you're there, and recommend that you just eat locally instead of wasting time cooking and shopping.
posted by mhuckaba at 3:22 PM on January 19, 2006

Budapest has private rooms available through many travel agenices, apartments if you want them. The lowest downtown double room rate is about US$ 40 a nite for two. You can find lower but it will be more hostel/backpapcker style. I'll post it in a bit after I find it in my emails...

Ljubljana - I would google for Pensions. I've only stayed in a dorm hostel in Ljubljana, but generally pension hotels in Slovenia are pretty good and economic. March is off season, so you should be able to ask for a good rate.

Bosnian accomodation is always rather expensive. Private rooms are your best bet.

In many places you can book a room for your first night, and spend the next day in search of a private room in some old couple's apartment by visiting travel agencies, especially those near train stations. Send me an email if you need more advice on Bpest, I live here.
posted by zaelic at 3:30 PM on January 19, 2006

Are you intending to spend a whole week in Ljuljana? You could see the whole country in that time... including abit of nice warm adriatic coast complete with Italiuan style seafood and a skip over to Trieste for Ital;y's best coffee... I love Slovenia...
posted by zaelic at 3:45 PM on January 19, 2006

If he doesn't show up here, you might try contacting MeFite Ljubljana.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 5:27 PM on January 19, 2006

Here I am. :)

The perfect place for you is probably the Hostel Celica in Ljubljana, even though you don't seem keen on hostels. (I'm mentioning it because you could get a room just for yourselves -- you don't have to go in one of the dormitory-style rooms.) I'm also recommending it because it's the bee's knees. It's a former prison, whose cells have been converted into rooms. The rooms are gorgeously done, and rates run to only around 5000 SIT (about 20 euros) a night. It's very close to the main railway station and the city center. It is very lively, though, so if you don't like it loud it might not be a good fit.

The other hotels in Ljubljana will probably be over your price limit. I'll ditto the idea to look for private pensions, which should be pretty reasonable around that time.

And to echo zaelic's comments: Ljubljana really is small, and there's a good chance you'll have seen everything very quickly. I would consider doing some excursions around the country. Have a great time, and feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.
posted by Ljubljana at 4:12 AM on January 20, 2006

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