Disable AIM prompt?
January 19, 2006 8:28 AM

Disable stupid AOL instant message warning?

I use AOL instant messenger. I also use a VPN. Whenever I log into my VPN or lose my VPN connection for a second I get this prompt:
"(08:52:53) AOL System Msg: Your screen name (myname) is now signed into AOL(R) Instant Messenger (TM) in 3 locations. To sign off the other location(s), reply to this message with the number 1. Click here for more information." Is there any way to get rid of this annoying prompt?
posted by hokie409 to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Have you tried blocking AOL System Msg as a screen name?

I have no idea if this would work -- just a thought.

I imagine that for security reasons, there would not be a way to block this message, because 99% of people would very much want to know if their screen name was signed in somewhere else.
posted by twiggy at 8:45 AM on January 19, 2006

Blocking AOL System Msg does not work, unfortunately.

At some point I had this turned off but can't remember how it happened, and now that I have it turned on again I can't find the option.
posted by kindall at 8:47 AM on January 19, 2006

If you happen to use gaim, which I suspect you don't, I found this... there might be something similar for Trillian if you use that (it's what I use), or at the very least it'd be possible using their scripting/plugin architecture.

Beyond that, I think you might be out of luck... I suspect that AOL doesn't want you to be able to block this because then when someone "borrows" your AIM password, they just put the block on and presto, you never know they're using your login.
posted by twiggy at 8:50 AM on January 19, 2006

I do have Gaim. I installed the files into the plugin folder. And it seems to work every time I login to the VPN. But if I lose the VPN connection for a second (it autmativally reconnects) I still get the AIM alert. I am using Gaim version 1.5.0. I did restart the computer after installing. I'd be willing to change versions of Gaim/AIM or use Trillian to fix this.
posted by hokie409 at 9:59 AM on January 19, 2006

There is no way to disable this listed on the more information page.

The cause is that your drop from the VPN doesn't automatically break the connection between your VPN and AOL, so AOL still sees you as signed in - hence the reconnect equals a secondary connection until the first one times out.

Might be better to figure out why your VPN keeps dropping - or turn off the automatic reconnect if it bothers you enough.
posted by Remy at 11:34 AM on January 19, 2006

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