A word processor that "just works" with multimedia
July 12, 2017 1:32 PM

I'm used to writing on Word. It's fine for text. But a new project needs lots of visual examples of photos and animated gifs. Think mood boards. Are there any word processors that do this seamlessly, so that the creative process is smooth and you don't have to think about whether the document can handle multiple graphics? I guess I want a robust desktop version of Medium ... or maybe Evernote with a word processor attached?
posted by dontjumplarry to Writing & Language (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I've found Google Docs to work much better than Word w/ images.
posted by nosila at 1:37 PM on July 12, 2017

Not 100% sure about animated GIFs, but Scrivener can certainly handle photos smoothly. Might be worth checking out.
posted by praemunire at 2:55 PM on July 12, 2017

I use PowerPoint for things like that.
posted by b33j at 3:41 PM on July 12, 2017

How is the finished document going to be presented? I assume that if you're interested in using animated gifs that print is not on the table.

Also, what platform are you composing these docs on?
posted by adamrice at 5:22 PM on July 12, 2017

Maybe check out Prezi.
posted by SaltySalticid at 7:04 PM on July 12, 2017

Have you looked into Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress?
posted by clawsoon at 9:43 PM on July 12, 2017

Not clear from your question if a web app is ok for your needs, but if it is, maybe Paper?
posted by phoenixy at 10:34 PM on July 12, 2017

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