Author, title or publication date of SF teleportation story 1999-2007
July 9, 2017 6:54 PM

I figure this would be a good one for my first AskMeFi. The story was in Asimov's or in Analog, slight chance it could have been Science Fiction & Fantasy: Father invents a teleportation device in the nick of time to send his young (but not infant, the kid knows what's up) son away before soulless absorptive Borg-like alien machines descend and take over in their relentless march across the galaxy.

Son survives to fight for humanity's survival or maybe he's the last human? I think he works on trying to recapitulate the technology of the transport mechanism? Something like that, but that's not the important part.

I can't put my finger on it, might have just been where I was in my life at the time, but I found the passages around the father sending the son away particularly, hauntingly affective and would love to read it again.

The dates 1999-2007 are extremes, I think it was closer to the center of that time span, probably 2003-2005. I know *where* I was when I read it, which helps me narrow it down quite a bit, but still not enough.

Several years ago I went back through the back issues I had on hand (I'd vacillated between subscriptions and off-the-rack purchases, hit or miss) and couldn't find it. Every once in a while I think I might try asking the hive mind for help. So, finally, here I am. Does this description ring a bell?
posted by one weird trick to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Not an answer sorry, but I had a 'name that story' question that I decided to google before asking here, and found the answer over at Maybe try there if you get no traction here?
posted by quinndexter at 3:50 AM on July 10, 2017

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