New York résumé services
April 29, 2017 1:16 PM

I'm looking for a relatively inexpensive résumé writing and design service in New York for someone who has recently transitioned into media from an unrelated field.

I'm looking for a relatively inexpensive résumé writing and design service in New York for someone who has recently transitioned into media from an unrelated field.

I used to be a social worker, working mostly with kids' programs, but four years ago I switched vaguely into media as a PA for a well-known touring musician and his projects (archive, book, record, etc), then worked for the last two years as for a coordinator for agents representing directors for commercial work at a production company. I'm ready to move forward, looking more into possibly production on the agency side or other kinds of coordinator positions. But my résumé looks pretty random and weak for someone in their mid-thirties, and is also just ugly text-on-a-page standard issue and I want to punch it up a bit. I could also use guidance on cover-letter writing.

So I'm looking for someone who can help me tailor the writing and design for my upcoming search, ideally someone that understands what various media companies might be looking for. I really want to use this service, but it's waaaay out of my price range. I could maybe cough up $200 or $300 at most.

I have looked at templates and looked at a billion articles and advice on how to do this myself, but I'm hitting a wall and really have no idea what is actually effective or not, so I'm not looking for advice. I'm looking for recommendations for actual people/services where I can meet and sit down with a human to help walk me through it.

My next question will probably be looking for recommendations for recruiters that specify in media job placement, so if you want to drop any suggestions in this thread, that would also be appreciated!
posted by greta simone to Work & Money (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Have you tried Craigslist New York? I had a great experience searching for "resume writer" and contacting a few folks but you could also post it with your budget as a gig. Apparently a lot of freelance writer types will pick up resume work via Craigslist when other stuff is slow.

I sent over an old resume, we got on the phone for 30-45 mins, and then did the rest over google docs. I paid $350, but iirc $100 of it was for the rush job.
posted by wowenthusiast at 5:39 AM on May 1, 2017

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