Ex Skyrim addict looking for a new fix.
April 23, 2017 4:25 PM

I believe I played Skyrim for two years straight. I'm looking for a new game for xBox 360 that will satisfy.

What I liked:

Open world
Fighting not too hard
Being told how fabulous I was (ok, this can be optional, but I don't want to fail morality tests)
Being able to just fight with one weapon or so and not bother too much with those details
Beautiful scenery and riding horses
Neat surprises
Being able to save whenever I needed to
(-stilted dialogue, repetitive characters, made me nuts after awhile)

What else I've played that I've liked (I don't have a lot of experience):

Oblivion (but got a bit too repetitive with closing the portals)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (liked the plot and character personalities, never could figure out the how and why of crafting)
Lego Lord of the Rings (LotR!)

What I don't like:

Killing animals that make terrible yelping/dying sounds
Super complicated battles (kept dying in Fallout 3)
Being in the dark too much
Depressing (scary is ok)
Sci-fi (it's too dark in outer space)

What I absolutely need: To be able to be a female character

Thank you.

(Or, should I just wait for the online version?)
posted by Vaike to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (9 answers total) 15 users marked this as a favorite
The two previous Dragon Age games don't have the level of crafting that DAI does--it's mostly potions brewing. The story/lore is as good/better than DAI's. Thedas is my favorite game setting ever! They also have 'easy/casual' difficulty settings, if you want to not worry about combat so much. (FO3 also has a super easy setting). Kingdoms of Amalur might satisfy your itch. (I didn't care for it, but I know people who loved it.)
posted by lovecrafty at 4:48 PM on April 23, 2017

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning ticks all of your boxes except horses. I have played through it four times because it's one of the few games that lets me play as a woman who isn't sexualized with gameplay that isn't overly complicated in a big fantasy pastiche.

I just finished nearly hundred percenting Zelda Breath of the Wild. It would require you getting another console but apart from Link being a dude (who crossdresses for maybe a third of the game for plot reasons and is constantly complimented on how gorgeous of a woman they are, to which Link responds with pride and silent delight), it is practically perfect. The horse riding and beautiful scenery is some of the best I've experienced, the gameplay is simple but creative if you want it to be, the world building is delightful with tons of memorable characters, it is suitably epic and full of hidden surprises.

I'm gonna grudgingly agree with Witcher 3. It's hard, though! I am historically not good at games and hooboy the combat difficulty level and the crafting stuff and the mutation things... I had a couple tabs open to tutorials and playthroughs for most of the game just to make it not a grind. Also yes, Geralt is undeniably a dude. That said, the women you interact with and sometimes play as are almost universally well rounded and detailed with their own motivations and goals and Geralt interacts with them like they're actual people. The horse riding is some of the best I've encountered. It's gorgeous and epic and once I got used to the gameplay I played it through twice.
posted by Mizu at 6:39 PM on April 23, 2017

posted by Marinara at 6:51 PM on April 23, 2017

...I am so sorry. I didn't see the Xbox 360 requirement before I posted. In that case, going to agree with The Witcher 3. Not a female character, which I also usually insist on, but it's awesome.
posted by Marinara at 6:53 PM on April 23, 2017

W3 isn't available on the 360.
posted by lovecrafty at 7:07 PM on April 23, 2017

The Dragon Age games and Kingdom of Amalur, as mentioned above. Fable II is another you would likely enjoy. The Dragon's Dogma and Risen games were also quite fun, but I don't recall if you can create a female character for those, sorry. Pretty sure you can but not 100%!
posted by turbid dahlia at 8:05 PM on April 23, 2017

Also can I just say, even though you specifically specified "no sci fi", that probably the best female character I've played as in the past decade or more is FemShep from the Mass Effect games (the original, good, Mass Effect games). FemShep's voice actor, Jennifer Hale, is one of the best voice actors working today, and her work on Shepard is one of the biggest reasons that Mass Effect was so compelling. For me, anyway.

Also, even though it's an outer space game, the vast majority of the action that you will be participating on is planet- and station-based, and the environments are for the most part very well-lit and vivid.
posted by turbid dahlia at 8:10 PM on April 23, 2017

Perhaps Elder Scrolls Oblivion? It's more rudimentary and somewhat more repetitive than Skyrim, but still super fun and state-of-the-art when it came out.

FYI - While Mass Effect is a sci-fi game, very little of the setting is in the darkness of space, you are usually inside cavernous space stations or on the surface of planets. There is a lot of morality tests though, but the game color codes the dialog options. In Bioware fashion, you get uglier and disfigured if you choose the "evil" dialogue options.
posted by TomFoolery at 9:15 AM on April 24, 2017

Dragon's Dogma is worth a look -- meets your criteria as far as I can tell (although there are wolf enemies).
posted by neckro23 at 11:27 AM on April 24, 2017

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