Audio for Madeleine by Ludwig Bemelmans?
April 8, 2017 3:53 PM

Where can i find audio or video of the book Madeleine by Ludwig Bemelmans in french?

It's my 9 year old niece's birthday tomorrow. She's recently expressed interest in all things French, especially macarons and Paris. I thought a fun gift for her would be the children's book Madeleine in french combined with a way for her to read along with an audio recording and maybe learn some French words. I found the book in french (yay!), but I am stumped as to where to find audio. I expected (incorrectly!) that there would be several youtube videos of someone reading the french version aloud like there is for the english version. Does anyone know where i could find audio or video of the french text for her to read along to?
posted by river99 to Education (2 answers total)
Book title is "Madeline" with no extra 'e', if that helps you search.

I searched YouTube for 'Madeline en francais' and found this charming video of a child reading it in French.

To my knowledge, the book was originally written in English, despite being set in Paris, but I could be wrong about that.
posted by kellygrape at 6:47 PM on April 8, 2017

Thank you very much!
posted by river99 at 4:53 PM on April 9, 2017

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