2 job openings, 1 cover letter?
March 3, 2017 12:06 PM

Company X had a few different openings that I feel I am reasonably qualified for. I applied to the one that looked like the best match, only to get an automated email a few days later that the search for that position has been put on hold. What's my best approach for applying to the other open positions?

The opening I already applied for was a strategic role, that search has been paused but "they're keeping my resume on file". I am also interested in some of the more technical analyst positions. The strategic position is a bit of a stretch but more what I'm looking to do in the long-run, the analyst position is closer to what I'm doing now. I'd obviously prefer the former, but would honestly be happy with either job.

The way the qualifications are worded (it's a startup), there's enough overlap that I could resubmit the same cover letter with minor changes, but it seems disingenuous to not acknowledge that I already expressed interest in a substantially different role with the company.

I was thinking I'd write a new shorter note and append the original cover letter, something along the lines of:
Dear Company X,
   I'm writing to apply for Analyst Position. I initially applied for Strategy Job and was disappointed to learn that that search has been put on hold. I'm very interested in working for Company X and I think my qualifications would also be a good fit for Analyst Position.
   In addition to the strategic responsibilities I mentioned in my initial letter (see attached), I have experience doing technical analysty stuff blah blah blah.
   I'm excited about Industry and think that my background would make me an asset for Company X in either of these roles. Please let me know if you have any questions about my application or my interest in these positions.
Thoughts? Better ideas? Is this just going to get me kicked out of the running for both positions?
posted by yeahlikethat to Work & Money (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I think your approach is very sound; if this gets you kicked out of the running this isn't a company you want to work for.
posted by randomkeystrike at 12:29 PM on March 3, 2017

It sounds good to me. I'm not a hiring manager, but if I was I would appreciate the heads-up.
posted by tacodave at 3:00 PM on March 3, 2017

I think it looks good. The one thing I'd be worried about as a manager is a sign that you're just trying anything you're vaguely qualified for.

You could word the opening to the second paragraph to allay that fear, something like "Although my long term career goal is to move into more strategic areas, the current analytical position actually matches my background even more closely because etc."

Normally I'd say don't do anything to hint that you wouldn't be perfectly happy dying of old age without leaving the job you applied for, so perfect for you is the position. But it's a startup, they might really appreciate that you want to grow and take on new repsonsibilities. Also has the advantage of being true.

As always, my tastes are idiosyncratic so take this as an idea more than advice.
posted by mark k at 8:49 PM on March 3, 2017

I'd resubmit and mention it in the cover letter, but I'd spin it positively: emphasize that you're reeeeeally interested in their company, and that you wanted to clarify that you are not exclusively interested in the strategy position, but also feel you could be a good fit in the other open positions, because... [enumerate awesome characteristics].

I would be cautious expressing a long-term interest in strategy (or management, or whatever), if that isn't an iron-clad goal of yours. If it is, and you don't want to work for a company that doesn't provide that path, sure. But if you aren't committed to that career track I'd leave it out.

At a lot of companies, particularly small ones, emphasizing aggressive career-advancement goals, particularly into management or leadership or strategy positions, can be viewed as a negative in the hiring process for more junior, particularly technical, positions. First because existing staff feel that it's threatening ("oh man I don't want to hire this person they're going to want to take over and run everything in a year..."), second because the growth trajectories of small companies are sometimes uncertain and they may not want to hire someone who's going to leave if the company doesn't grow quickly enough to let them move into management (or strategy or whatever) quickly.
posted by Kadin2048 at 12:07 AM on March 4, 2017

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