What charities are directly helping migrant farmworkers?
February 24, 2017 9:37 AM

I want to send money to a place where it can be of direct impact for migrant farmworkers. Is there a great non-profit that is in the fields helping? I don't need it to be union organizing or Congressional lobbying; in fact I'd prefer that it not be. I am thinking day-to-day survival stuff like provision of medical care, food, education for children, housing, direct immigration help, etc.

Google suggests a bunch of places, but I can't find independent ratings for them. And this LA Times series on the UFW and the Chavez family of charities makes me wary of just sending money into the dark.
posted by AgentRocket to Human Relations (6 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
posted by enn at 9:48 AM on February 24, 2017

Came here to say Coalition of Immokalee Workers, so now I'll second it. I've witness first hand that your money goes very far there too.
posted by Chipmazing at 10:47 AM on February 24, 2017

California Rural Legal Assistance
posted by juliapangolin at 11:03 AM on February 24, 2017

New Mexico Immigrant Law Center. I could not find them on any of the charity watch sites I follow, but I'm in the area and I would be happy to investigate further in person if anyone wants me to.
posted by WalkerWestridge at 12:24 PM on February 24, 2017

Those guys look great. Thanks a lot.
posted by AgentRocket at 12:43 PM on February 24, 2017

Farmworker Justice
posted by Toddles at 9:56 PM on February 24, 2017

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