When can I expect to hear back from the IRS for a CP2000 letter?
January 28, 2017 5:06 AM

I forgot 1099-DIV information on my 2015 tax return and received a CP2000 letter from the IRS. When can I expect to hear back from them?

I accidentally forget to add data from 1099-DIV to my 2015 tax return. The IRS mailed me letter stating I owe them x amount of money, including the 4% interest.

I ran the numbers myself, and while I do owe money, it’s less than the amount stated in the CP2000. I mailed the IRS an explanation and supporting documentation about the money I do owe. I did not include payment, I simply stated please contact me about the new amount owed.

It’s been a month at this point and have not heard from them. Is there something I should do? Would it be beneficial to call at this point? In hindsight, I should not have used regular mail to respond, but again, it’s been a month…

Any recommendations on how to proceed? Thanks.
posted by hobodeluxe to Work & Money (5 answers total)
Is there a contact number on the CP2000? Calling and speaking with a rep wouldn't hurt, if it's been a month. It's helped in my experience. I've only ever been contacted via mail from the IRS.
posted by mountainblue at 5:49 AM on January 28, 2017

If you do owe some amount, you might as well make that partial payment now. You'll stop some of the interest at least.
posted by JimN2TAW at 6:27 AM on January 28, 2017

In 2015 I got a CP2000 for an amount I didn't actually owe. I sent a letter back by regular mail with an explanation and supporting documents and if I remember correctly, it was about a month to month and a half later when I got a letter back saying I was no longer responsible. There was no other communication.
posted by zsazsa at 7:42 AM on January 28, 2017

Yes, please call the number on the letter you received. The people manning the phones were very helpful and gave me all be relevant information.

I had mailed paper work for an extension for the CP2000 and it was a long time before I received another letter from them acknowledging my request for an extension. I had already sent them a check by then. Their normal response by mail seems to be very slow so calling them would be best.

I think I found an answer on ask metafilter on the best times to call them. It might have been early in the day when their hours start.
posted by viramamunivar at 7:50 AM on January 28, 2017

nthing call the number. If you do owe, you should make the payment now, as the interest is still ticking away, and if and when the IRS waives penalties, interest is never waived.

In my experience dealing with many, many IRS issues over the past couple of years, it can take anywhere from a month to three months for them to respond. When you call, they can tell you where they are in the process.
posted by bedhead at 8:48 AM on January 30, 2017

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