What tools will help me call my representatives?
January 21, 2017 2:43 PM

Is there an app / tool that will give me a script to call my reps, as well as mechanisms to remind / re-enforce my engagement?

I am looking for a app / tool that will help me make phone calls to my representatives / anyone else where my call could be meaningfully helpful

Snowflake desires:

- I have realized that I have little to no interest in paying attention to the news. It has not helped my mental health. I'm looking for a tool that will allow me to make phone calls, arming me with a script. I'm looking to turn this thing on, do useful political calling, and turn it off.

- I have a set, albeit limited, amount of time per week that I am willing to make phone calls. I would like some mechanisms that help keep me on track, and keep me engaged. This might mean reminders to call, game-ification of my calls, or something that I input after I call.

- I'm interested in calling my local reps, as well as my national ones.

posted by justalisteningman to Law & Government (12 answers total) 61 users marked this as a favorite
The Indivisible Guide has a script and is a great tool to use.
posted by metajim at 4:16 PM on January 21, 2017

I work for an environmental organization and we have started a program where people can sign up to get a text from us every Wednesday with a different (environmental) issue to call their reps about. From the text, you can opt into calling, and then we will directly patch you through to your rep's office, after giving a brief pitch about what to say. MeMail me if you want info about signing up! I think several other orgs are doing similar things.
posted by lunasol at 5:18 PM on January 21, 2017

I have not used them personally, but a group I'm in has members using Countable and Make Calls. From the descriptions of each, I'm guessing the "Make Calls" (not sure if that's its official name) site might be the most straightforward. No gamification, though (and what a great idea!).
posted by lazuli at 5:57 PM on January 21, 2017

I've been using the We're His Problem Now google spreadsheet but it looks like they've just gone live with a new website:

Gives you a quick way to find phone numbers of your reps and a weekly call to action with script.
posted by mcduff at 6:11 PM on January 21, 2017

My Civic Workout sends regular emails with specific scripts and other possible actions. Each message has a different theme (environment, emoluments clause, etc.) One nice feature is different scripts for calling Democratic and Republican representatives.
posted by yarntheory at 6:39 PM on January 21, 2017

Dailyaction.org -- from their website: All you have to do is text the word DAILY to the number 228466 (A-C-T-I-O-N). You’ll be prompted to enter your ZIP code and that’s it—you’re signed up. You will subsequently receive one text message every workday about an issue that we have determined to be urgent based on where you live. You tap on the phone number in your message, listen to a short recording about that day’s issue, and from there you’ll be automatically routed to your Senator, member of Congress, or other relevant elected official. In 90 seconds, you can conscientiously object and be done with it.
posted by not that mimi at 7:35 PM on January 21, 2017

Excellent question, excellent answers! This has been on my mind too. Thanks everyone!
posted by haikuku at 9:21 PM on January 21, 2017

Just found (and used) this one: Weekly Resistance. It does have some gamification, in that it shows how many people have said they called for that week's action, and lets you share on social media that you did so. I'll be using it again!
posted by lazuli at 8:11 AM on January 22, 2017

My friend made this, so I hope it's not too much of a self link:

User-generated scripts, or generate your own. Buttons to click when you've called so it keeps track of how many people have called. You put in your address and it finds all your reps for you.
posted by mai at 4:03 PM on January 22, 2017

Another one is 2 Hours a Week, which gives daily actions (typically calls to reps) and sample scripts. It comes to me by email. Not sure if they have an app.
posted by Leontine at 6:36 PM on January 22, 2017

Another option is https://5calls.org/.
posted by maurreen at 7:21 PM on January 27, 2017

If you have no interest in the news how do you know what to call about?
posted by schwa at 9:06 PM on January 29, 2017

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