How can I get acceptable CCC leadership experience?
December 27, 2016 4:54 PM   Subscribe

I graduated with my Ed.D in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Educational Psychology from USC about a year ago. I am now looking for a dean position in northern California or farther north specializing in distance education, educational technology and/or instructional design. I would appreciate *any* advice on how i can prove my leadership abilities during a job interview given the "unofficial" nature of my leadership thus far.

I have 20 years of experience in media and educational technology (my BA was in Film), a MS in instructional design and technology and I currently support faculty, staff and students in the LMS training and support for a community college. I am the sole classified employee doing front end support for a medium sized campus of around 300 fully online courses and scores more hybrid and web-enhanced courses. I create training for other college departments in order to support ease of learning for college procedures.
I am currently in a classified position. I am also in a mentor program where a dean from another college is mentoring me (she is wonderful).
I assisted the DE Chair in reviewing courses (via the OEI rubric training) to make sure they passed the accreditation review we had recently and supported her in the interview itself. We passed with no issues! I am on many governance committees as well as the judicial board, and routinely receive glowing unsolicited praise and gratitude from those I support for making technology so easy for them. I have been unofficially running the DE department for years before we got a dean to offer his support, and he finds that the department runs itself!
I think I would make a great dean, but i have no "official" leadership experience. I would love to hear from those in the know how I could get that experience or prove that my current background represents an equivalency to, say, a year of administrative official leadership.
I deeply appreciate any thoughts or advice you may care to share! Thanks! :)
posted by ConnieL to Education (1 answer total)
Best answer: Have you considered the Chronicle of Higher Ed boards? They might be better equipped to help.
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 7:49 PM on December 28, 2016

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