I am seeking the Clare Torry vocal on "The Great Gig in the Sky"
November 20, 2016 11:43 PM

I have many times looked on youtube and most anywhere else I can think of to find just Clare Torry's vocal, with any/all other instrumentation stripped off. I believe that it is the most beautiful, the most expressive singing I have ever heard.

Clare Torry got a telephone call one day; a producer was recording an album, he remembered hearing her voice on a knock-off record, and he wanted her that voice for this record he was working on. She was quite busy, told him she'd not be able to do it until Sunday after next, in the afternoon. He was agreeable, she showed up, found it was a rather unconventional type of singing but she gave it a shot. And she nailed it on her first take.*
*starting at about 1:09

The producer was Alan Parsons, the album was Pink Floyd's "Dark Side Of The Moon" which was being recorded at Abbey Road Studio. She sang her bit, thought it was quite a lark, walked on out the door.

Here is a video of Clare Torry talking about it.

I am of course not ever going to die but if somehow I do, I would want this -- and only this -- played at any gathering of my friends who might want to get together and drink a fine cup of coffee whilst listening, maybe thinking about the ten bucks I owe them. I would so love to have Clare Torry singing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but.

It's not that I don't love the song -- I damn sure do. But to hear just her voice, no piano, no guitar, no bass -- I've thought of this for years. Decades, actually.

Do you know where I can find a copy of this? And yes I know that there are vids of her singing it live with the band etc and etc, but to have this first take, it would just be so fine.

posted by dancestoblue to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I don't have access to a computer at the moment, but if I did, I would search torrent sites for "Clare Torry acapella" (or "A capella") or "great gig sky acapella", and variations thereof. I actually think I've seen/heard this before.
posted by MexicanYenta at 2:56 AM on November 21, 2016

Well, it's not exactly what you wanted, but here's a start.
posted by DrAstroZoom at 6:53 AM on November 21, 2016

I think maybe the extra footage that covers recording DSotM at the end of Live at Pompeii might? Also there's a series called "Great Albums" or something like that where the artist or producer sits at the desk and takes the viewer through the original multitrack tapes. There's a DSotM in that series.
posted by humboldt32 at 8:03 AM on November 21, 2016

@dancestoblue: I am in possession of the MOGG file for Great Gig in the Sky. I DM'ed you here, let me know where to reach out and I can e-mail you the vocals.

It's one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs too, I am as much in love with Rick Wright's piano work in it as I am with those transcendent vocals :)
posted by mysticreferee at 10:27 AM on November 21, 2016

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