DashClock Setup Issues On Samsung S7
June 28, 2016 6:06 AM

I’m trying to set up DashClock on my spiffy new Samsung S7. I am running into trouble because the instructions say I’m supposed to make sure that “Enable Widgets” setting is enabled, but I can’t find that setting anywhere. All the instructions I find also say that I should swipe to the left, a plus sign will appear, and then I click on that to add DashClock to the lock screen. However, no matter how much I swipe to the left, no big plus sign appears. Thoughts?
posted by purplesludge to Technology (7 answers total)
On a screen other than your home screen, hold down on the touchscreen where there isn't an icon. Do you get three choices at the bottom (Wallpapers/Widgets/Home Screen Settings)?
posted by kuanes at 6:30 AM on June 28, 2016

I should have mentioned that I'm running Apex launcher, if that matters.

When I do as you suggested, I get 5 options: Apex actions, Apps, Shortcuts, Widgets, Wallpapers. I went to Widgets, tapped DashClock, and it now shows on my screen, but I still can't add it to my lock screen.
posted by purplesludge at 6:39 AM on June 28, 2016

Lock screen widgets was a feature of (I think) Kit-Kat only. It was removed in more recent versions of Android, and who knows whether it was ever in Samsung's version. Most likely you are not going to be able to use Dashclock with your phone.
posted by kindall at 10:27 AM on June 28, 2016

As kindall says, Lockscreen widgets are no more in Marshmallow (Android 6.0, what the S7 is running), and were no more in Lollipop as well. Dashclock will not work for you, regardless of launcher.
posted by namewithoutwords at 11:11 AM on June 28, 2016

Thank you kindall and namewithoutwords! I was starting to suspect something along those lines, but it's good to have it confirmed by people who know way more about Android than I do. This is my first Android phone after several iPhones.

Ask MeFi rocks, as usual.
posted by purplesludge at 11:14 AM on June 28, 2016

I have the S7 as I have recently upgraded from an iPhone. A few thoughts about this:

1. I have turned off my lockscreen entirely. Feeling the "security be darned" mentality, I just don't keep much personal on my phone and I don't interact with anyone that would take my phone (no public transit or anything).
2. I've noticed that things like this tend to not work frequently on my S7. I have an app that took a lot of fidgeting, but basically it made touching the home button take you home, instead of having to press it. And it's fantastic.

So yeah, as nice as lock screens are, I don't use mine. I just wanted to mention it because most people don't consider that as an option.
posted by bbqturtle at 11:37 AM on June 28, 2016

It's possible to bypass the lock screen most of the time by using the newish smart lock features, which keep the phone unlocked when it's within range of certain wireless networks and Bluetooth devices. I have an Android Wear smartwatch so as long as my phone is in my hand it's connected to the watch and stays unlocked. Take off with my phone and it locks itself as soon as it's out of range of the watch. You could do the same with Bluetooth headphones or whatever as long as you usually have them with you. Also works well for your home and work WiFi and your car's Bluetooth.

Unfortunately you still have that useless "swipe to get to your home screen" screen, which would be followed by the lock screen if you had a lock screen. To get rid of that, you generally have to root the device and install a custom ROM or Xposed. (Although Samsung is wacky enough that they might have an option baked into their phone for it.)

My new phone (HTC 10) has a fingerprint scanner, so I'm actually using the security functions of my phone now, since unlocking it is trivial.
posted by kindall at 12:06 PM on June 28, 2016

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