Comprehensive Blue Apron packaging recycling in NYC
April 7, 2016 8:57 AM

Does anyone have a thorough (aka not vague and crappy like the one on Blue Apron's website) guide to recycling all of the bits of Blue Apron packaging? I live in New York City, where it seems like you can recycle pretty much anything with a little effort, but I am still a bit lost

I'm loving my new Blue Apron subscription, but feel pretty guilty about not knowing what to do with some of the packaging waste. In particular, I don't know what to do about:
- foil liners: the Blue Apron site says to just recycle the foil layer curbside and trash the inner biodegradable layer. The inner layer doesn't look biodegradable to me, it looks like bubble wrap - which I would normally take to a plastic bag collection site - and anyway the layers don't seem to come apart?
- tiny plastic containers (e.g. for butter) and bottles (for oils and sauces): these seem to fall into the category of things that maybe you are supposed to recycle, but maybe not because objects that small jam up the machines, and there's a lot of conflicting information out there.
And there may be other things I'm doing wrong also - would love some clear piece-by-piece answers!
posted by naoko to Food & Drink (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Not a real answer, just a data point, but: the foil liners with the biodegradable fill that Blue Apron sent me had a soft, blanket-like batting inside of them, not bubble wrap.
posted by Andrhia at 9:28 AM on April 7, 2016

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