It's 5 o'clock somewhere.
January 30, 2016 8:32 PM   Subscribe

How could we the island nation of Key West have our own time?

Here in Key West, a popular saying (and now song) goes "I'm living on Key West time." Think of it as a kindler, gentler, waaaay more laid back pace. For instance, "See you in 10", generally means I'll see you in 20 (or so) minutes. You get used to it. Or, really, you move.

A friend of mine has suggested Key West should have its own official time–"New York, London, Paris, Munich…Key West!"–and we started talking about how we might come up with a method for our own time.

Incidentally, Key West has plenty of experience with this kind of thing: we once seceded from the US. Incidentally, the city has a big clock right located approximately in the middle of the the length of Duval Street (aka "The Main"). It would be perfect as the island's main display of Key West time. The goal would be people could keep Key West time wherever they may be and live, as it were, on Key West time. Plus, maybe we could even get away from changing our Key West clocks for daylight savings!

The question then is what would Key West time be? A curious challenge, hivemind, and one that requires creative thinking. So, creative solutions? Thanks, hivemind, and in good faith from the Conch Republic, WE SALUTE YOU (left-handed of course).
posted by Mike Mongo to Society & Culture

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