Name of TV show about testing casino and retail security?
January 26, 2016 1:49 PM

I know there have been a million shows like this before, but I'm looking for a particular show where a team of people were hired to test security and reveal vulnerabilities.

In one episode they use card-counting computers with earpieces to win at blackjack. In another episode they steal a TV projection rig from a large retail store (Crazy Eddie's?) by disguising a woman as pregnant and hanging the rig between her legs in a specially designed harness. I think another episode had them swapping a painting with a fake at an art gallery.

Hive mind, can you find this show? IIRC it's full of good social engineering examples for my computer security class.

Thanks in advance for any help in finding the show!
posted by tkolstee to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Was it the Christian Slater TV show from a couple of years ago called Breaking In? "A high-tech security firm takes extreme, and often questionable, measures to sell their protection services." Wiki description here.
posted by BlahLaLa at 1:51 PM on January 26, 2016

Threadsitting: The show I'm thinking of was non-fiction.
posted by tkolstee at 2:06 PM on January 26, 2016

Maybe Takedown starring R. Paul Wilson?
posted by mpark at 2:22 PM on January 26, 2016

Yep, that has to be Takedown. It was on TruTV.
posted by holborne at 2:44 PM on January 26, 2016

Thank you! As soon as I saw the name I knew that was it.

I'm having a heck of a lot of trouble finding episodes or even much information. This is the first TV series I've ever seen for which IMDB doesn't even seem to list individual episodes.

I did manage to find this, but strangely the episode descriptions are missing the retail theft episode I mentioned.

Thank you all!
posted by tkolstee at 5:30 PM on January 26, 2016

Ah, I thought you were thinking of "Tiger Team" - ; is that any use as well?
posted by DancingYear at 4:59 AM on January 27, 2016

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