Have a seat, Dr Freud!
January 20, 2016 7:34 PM

A friend has asked for my help setting up her new counseling office. She does psychotherapy with adults - individuals and couples. Knowing that y'all have lots of therapy experience, I'm asking the hive mind, "What do you love or hate about the furnishings in your therapist office?"
posted by metahawk to Shopping (42 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
Prints on the wall should be kind of boring but pleasant. Either keep the wall behind her head plain, or use something extra boring like a rug or plain tapestry (no image, just woven pattern.) Also, make sure the chairs have throw pillows sufficient for lumbar support. Books and plants are good to have but not necessary. If there is a sofa, make it one that you can escape (no sinking in like it's quicksand) or that you don't constantly slide off.
posted by blnkfrnk at 7:45 PM on January 20, 2016

My therapist has a sofa that's comfortable enough, but I wish she had an armchair with an ottoman so I could put my feet up ... kind of a quasi "lying on the doctor's couch" thing. The sofa has throw pillows which are nice when one feels fidgety. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but she keeps a clock on the end table next to her that faces me, so I'm always vaguely aware of how much time is left. This doesn't bother me, particularly, but it might bother other people.
posted by Sweetie Darling at 7:55 PM on January 20, 2016

Unless the walls are amazingly soundproof, I always approve of a white noise generator (just not right by my head) or a fan (as long as it's not blowing on me).

Side tables, for tissue boxes. Trash can, near or under the side table.

Make whatever materials/textiles/cleaning choices necessary so that nothing will ever have visible dust.

If you put trinkets in your therapy office I will assume they're there for a reason. More specifically, if you put little angel statues in your therapy office I will wish that you just freaking put a bunch of blinking angel gifs on your website so that I could rule you out for my analytical little nontheist self before paying for an hour long consult, because our attitudes are just not going to mesh. sorry that one still irks me
posted by deludingmyself at 7:56 PM on January 20, 2016

posted by shiny blue object at 7:59 PM on January 20, 2016

I just switched to a new therapist, partly because I didn't like the physical space of the old therapists' office. Here's a comparison:

Old therapist (bad office):
- super cramped. It was a small space with slightly too much furniture and it was awkwardly arranged. Things felt crammed in.
- wicker furniture. It was not cozy and inviting. it seemed more like porch furniture
- art that was distractingly childish (I don't know, maybe this was to make kids she was working with feel more at home.)
- a setup where we were facing each other head on. It felt too much like an interview.
- the office was in the front part of a house on a busy street, so I was super aware of cars passing, people walking by outside, etc.
- a yellow color scheme. It didn't make me feel relaxed.
- in general, setup felt like a makeshift space. this is probably mostly because of the cramped feeling.

New therapist (awesome office):
- spacious but not cavernous. the area we sit in feels cozy but there is also some open space in the other part of the room that helps it feel open and not claustrophobic.
- really nice lighting. it is warm and soft and easy to not notice.
- high-quality but not ostentatious wood furniture.
- the room has built-in bookshelves that are full of interesting-looking books. it feels like someone's nicely appointed personal library/office space.
- very comfortable chairs, the kind you could curl up and read in. plus she has a blanket on the chair that is clearly available for use if i want to use it.
- a color scheme that is mostly neutrals and all works well together - medium-dark wood, taupes and grays for the chair upholstery, a dark maroon for the blanket.
- the chairs are set up so that we are sitting as if on two adjoining sides of a square. it's easy to make eye contact but also doesn't feel too stiff or confrontational the way sitting across from each other can.
- in general it feels relaxing and quiet and safe, like a place you would settle into with wine or a hot cup of tea and read or have a long talk with a friend or something.
posted by aka burlap at 8:00 PM on January 20, 2016

oh, and upon seeing other answers: agreed that having fidgets available is nice. gives me something to release my nervous energy if i'm feeling anxious or uncomfortable. Also being able to put your feet up is nice and contributes to the cozy feeling. I prefer being able to see the clock because it helps me gauge whether to get into something that i know will take a long time, or save it for next week or whatever.
posted by aka burlap at 8:02 PM on January 20, 2016

The number one thing I wish my therapist's office had is a clock that I can see. I'll have to ask if there's a reason behind this (I assume there is) because all of hers are facing away from the patient. I really like knowing how much time we have left so that if there's something I really want to talk about before ending the session, I can give myself time. There have been so many times that we've ended the session and I've been surprised at how quickly it went.

I also wish my therapist's office had pillows on the sofa. That's a great suggestion! It's nice to have something to hold. I am also short, so sitting on the sofa where my feet don't touch the ground is uncomfortable, an ottoman would be awesome.

I also second the white noise machine. Ugh, my therapist is so great, but this reminds me to talk to her about this. For me, it's not only about privacy but also about disliking total silence.

Making it clear where I should put my coat and purse would be great. As in, get a coat rack! My old therapist's office didn't have any place for me to put either and I ended up holding them or putting them on the ground, it was awkward.

On a semi-joking note, my therapist brings her (therapy) dog with her, and that is the best. Highly recommend a little therapy dog calmly curling up while you're unpacking your soul!
posted by the thorn bushes have roses at 8:04 PM on January 20, 2016

Oh, and this is really important: please make sure any furniture is comfortable for plus size patients. This is usually an issue in a waiting room with narrow chairs, but some armchairs can be narrow (and make sure the furniture is rated for heavy duty use). If I wasn't at the place I am now where I can comfortably address the elephant in the room (i.e., me!), I would feel so shitty if I literally didn't fit in my new therapist's office.
posted by the thorn bushes have roses at 8:07 PM on January 20, 2016

While anything can be a trigger for anyone, have her be quite careful about art. A therapist I saw briefly (who was otherwise great!) had an oil painting with two children walking into (what looked like to me) a dark and uninviting house. Someone else might not have been bothered, but it creeped the hell out of me. So if I were furnishing such a space, I'd have no representational art ... even landscapes could possibly stir unwelcome associations for a lot of people.

Also seconding NOTHING that smells.
posted by 2soxy4mypuppet at 8:22 PM on January 20, 2016

I like a clock I can see too. I feel more comfortable being able to see how much time is left myself instead of having to parse my therapist's conversational signals that we're running out of time.
posted by MsMolly at 8:27 PM on January 20, 2016

My therapist's boss does interior decor as a hobby so every time I come in their offices are totally redesigned. This is really disconcerting and I don't recommend it.

That being said, what the boss chooses each time they elect to rearrange stuff is pretty nice because the chairs and couches are always big and comfy and there are plenty of pillows to hold on to which I appreciate because I often subconsciously end up putting a pillow over my stomach since some of my trauma is pregnancy related. There's also an ottoman/coffee table between the patient's couch and therapist's chair with tissues and a fresh water bottle available in every room, which makes things so much nicer if you find yourself tearful or thirsty.

+1 to white noise generator; the office I go to doesn't have thick enough walls and it's frustrating to hear other patients when I'm in a session.
posted by Hermione Granger at 8:30 PM on January 20, 2016

I like to look at things with interesting harmony (abstract esp. Kandinsky) or patterns when I'm focusing. Also a fiddler, so doohickeys to fiddle with plus pillows to rub/pat/squeeze help me. I like the kind with fringe you can brush with your fingers.
posted by emjaybee at 8:36 PM on January 20, 2016

Flexible lighting (dimmers or multiple lamps) so the room can range from dim to bright. NO HARSH FLUORESCENTS PLEASE, at least not for me. Oh sweet goodness yes, and letting patients know that they can ask to adjust the lighting. I've had headaches or gotten migraines after overhead lighting in offices. Same goes for small fans or something if the room tends to get stuffy.

Definitely letting people know where the bathroom is. Again, sometimes there's not anyone to ask in the waiting room or whatever. Maybe having some bottles of water and tissues within reach.

My therapist's office(s) have nice modern furniture and finishings with soothing nature photos. The couches are comfortable and there's plenty of pillows to adjust to your liking. Each room kinda feels like a little, modern, comfy living room with a couch, a chair, a table with a lamp, and a desk.

Also, I prefer a waiting room with a variety of seating. So if you're a couple you can sit on the couch, but if it's two strangers they don't have to share a loveseat or anything. This of course depends on the size of the practice and how many people may be waiting. Some music in the waiting room.

And depending on where the practice is - CLEAR directions with photos and a map on the website and tell new patients. I had to stop at a gas station and call all embarrassed and late because I couldn't find the place in a weird office row thing that looked like apartments from the street.
posted by Crystalinne at 8:41 PM on January 20, 2016

My therapist's office is in an office building, but it feels like a living room. She has low lamps (never the fluorescent overheads), comfy furniture, even a faux fireplace/mantle with candles in it. The blinds are turned so there is some light, but I'm not distracted by people walking by. there is a small fountain in the corner, bookcases, an area rug over the office carpet, neutral artwork and decorative objects, the couch and her chair. Tissue boxes are available, but not front and center. She had the property manager soundproof the office as part of her lease. Something others who share her waiting area did not (and should have!) done.
posted by cecic at 8:45 PM on January 20, 2016

Be sure to consider background noise. My therapist's office was made of tissue paper, so you could actually hear other people talking to their therapists at the same time. (The whole building was very badly constructed in a lot of ways.)

Pay attention to the telephone. Therapists need a phone to schedule appointments and all, but you do not want it to ring audibly during a therapy session.

I second the suggestion to avoid wicker furniture... wicker tends to snag nylon stockings.

I agree about being careful about art. My ex and I briefly saw a couples counsellor who had a huge print of a very red Chinese dragon in her office. I liked it, but I could see how someone who is already emotionally stressed might find it troublesome.

I also second the suggestion about soft, indirect lighting. My dentist has arranged the lighting so that when you lie back in the chair, you are not staring up into a fluorescent light. This would be a good idea for a therapist's office, too.
posted by Multicellular Exothermic at 8:47 PM on January 20, 2016

posted by HotToddy at 8:49 PM on January 20, 2016

Tissues are a must. And also - a garbage can. And put them both within reach, so there doesn't have to be a lot of moving around or disruption to get a tissue or get rid of a tissue. I hate having a stack of tissues in my hand almost as much as I hate having my eyes and nose pouring and tissues being nowhere in sight. Don't make people ask for them, and they shouldn't have to wait til you offer them - it should be obvious.

Mine has two reasonably comfortable chairs (think waiting room, not cozy) in addition to hers. She doesn't have much control over the space - it's one borrowed & shared room in a community action office - as she's a part-time domestic violence / sexual assault therapist in a very small community. It's often cold when I get there, which is hard for me - I'm often chilled anyway, and it makes it harder to concentrate and ups my pain level. The carpet is skimpy institutional, which bugs me - I'm a floor person, and I'd love a fluffy or even just inviting rug to sit on. I'm pretty sure it's puzzled her a bit when I've needed to wait for her, and chosen the floor over the chairs in the nearby conference room. I appreciate the window - it looks out the back of the building, has indirect light, and mossy, vegetation covered cliff walls fairly close. Some might not find the view appealing, but I love it.

My son's therapist works more with kids, and his location feels much more stable and inviting. Nice cozy couch, thickly stuffed but not the kind you sink into and can't get out of. I'd end up wanting to slip my shoes off and curl my feet under me, I'm sure. There's standard business carpeting, but there's a thick floor rug on top of it - I could see myself sitting there. I'm guessing it's because some of his clients are younger children, and kids are much more likely to choose the floor and the toys. He has lamps, and books on shelves - it feels like a safe place. The window is a bit far, but in view, and since the office is upstairs, there isn't anything to look at anyway - it's just good for natural light.

I always have something to drink with me, but I've been offered water at both places. I fidget with my water bottle, usually, and have a habit of rubbing/massaging my hands and arms a lot due to pain issues, so it's never occurred to me that fidget toys/tools might be helpful.
posted by stormyteal at 8:55 PM on January 20, 2016

Maybe some houseplants? Studies have shown that just being able to see greenery has a positive effect a patient's ability to heal. Maybe a few fidgety toys like this.
posted by Ostara at 9:17 PM on January 20, 2016

No dream catchers. Therapist can believe whatever mystic stuff he wants, but please don't make me think he's depending on it to help.

OMG please no dream catchers.
posted by amtho at 9:26 PM on January 20, 2016

What about the option of a adjustable (office style) chair for clients in addition to the couch or armchairs? Trying to figure out how to handle the 4' 8" or 6' 7" patient who don't fit well in standard sofas.
posted by metahawk at 9:29 PM on January 20, 2016

My therapist switched offices, and moved from subtle task lighting to weird harsh florescent, it mde me extra sad. Also, one couch, and two chairs, and try to avoid putting your degrees up everywhere.
posted by PinkMoose at 9:35 PM on January 20, 2016

also fidgety toys were the best.
posted by PinkMoose at 9:37 PM on January 20, 2016

In my ideal therapists office, there would be comfortable furniture, nothing would be super fancy or super shluby, the art would be interesting and maybe provocative (not 'neutral'), the books would be interesting and would include literature, and yeah, a dog would be amazing. Yes to fidgets.
posted by latkes at 9:41 PM on January 20, 2016

I went to therapy as a teen so this is teen-me's perspective:

I wished I could put my feet up. I hate sitting with my feet on the floor and it seems rude to indian-style it on someone else's sofa. I'm sure she'd not have minded or at least tolerated it (being a therapist and all) but the smallest chance of getting told off for it stopped me from even thinking about it.

Sidenote: Even more than that I'd have REALLY loved an offer to take my shoes off. I'm not gonna do it if they don't offer but boy will I take them up on if it they do.

I would have liked tapestries or abstract art, especially behind her head, something I could alternately look at so I don't have to look at her or at nothing. Having a comfortable, non-human place to rest my eyes when I'm in a stressful conversation is soothing.

As much as I'd have liked fidgets I probably would have been too anxious to touch them (was trained not to fidget in public, at least not in any way that people could easily notice) so it wouldn't really have done anything for or against the situation.

I also disliked not being able to see the clock. (it was facing her, away from me.) Keep one facing you if you like, but make sure there's one the patient can glance at without having to make it obvious and seem rude.

Good things she had:
-Soft lighting
-Didn't smell like anything
-No weird or representative ornaments
-Cozy, boho aesthetic (I liked this, others may disagree)
posted by gloriouslyincandescent at 10:02 PM on January 20, 2016

Oh man, arranging the office so I wouldn't have to drag my post therapy tear-stained self back through the public waiting room would be ideal.
posted by Space Kitty at 11:26 PM on January 20, 2016

Since I hate white noise machines, I'd like the option to ask to have it turned off. Nthing pillows, no scents, visible clock (that Is NOT ticking loudly but silent) and nearby trash can close to nearby tissue box. Her future clients thank you!
posted by Bella Donna at 11:38 PM on January 20, 2016

Suggest that your friend ask the person involved: Are they comfortable in this room? Are they comfortable in my presence? Is there anything I can do to facilitate your feeling at ease in this room?

Bookshelves are nice but can be show-offy -- "Oh look how many books I've read! Oh look at how cool I am!" A few books, related to their area of specialty. And if I see Louise Hayes or Deepok Chopra or, as noted above, a dream catcher, or anything along that line, I am so out of there -- I'm putting time, money, and effort into this, I want someone whose intelligence and savvy I can trust when I'm in that office laying my heart on the line.

Simple is best. Open, the room feeling open, spacious, not sparse but open. Expressive art on the wall but, as noted above, think Kandinsky, but live Art rather than prints. Vibrant, healthy plants -- not an arboretum but a few really nice, healthy plants -- those plants will perhaps give the clients a clue, let them know that you are a person who wants those same things for them.

I'm 6'5" and I'm a sprawler, not at all a Sit Up Straight sort of guy. On the other hand your therapist friend is going to find people in her office who are not sprawlers at all, not even one bit, they'll sit upright in a chair, hands in their lap, shoes together on the floor. As above, this can be handled by questions in the initial sessions: What is it that will help the person open up enough to begin The Telling Of The Tale.

Don't totally strip the room of any identifying markers, leave clues lying about. I'd be awfully annoyed if I found out three sessions in that you're all into Fox news etc -- if you are into that, put a Rush LImbaugh book in plain sight. Alternately, there are people who'd want to see that book, and if instead they see your certification of ordination as a high priest of The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster it'll save both of you a lot of time.

Last. But related to that last paragraph -- it is the therapists place. In that place, hopefully good things will happen. Suggest they make it their place, just that they put their best foot forward. Make that room about the best pieces of them, laid out clearly.

And then, into the work.
posted by dancestoblue at 12:38 AM on January 21, 2016

Your friend should make sure that she herself is physically comfortable in the room, that her chair is supportive and feels good to sit in for long periods of time. The one time I remember being really uncomfortable with a therapist, it was because she seemed like she was experiencing some kind of low-level physical distress while I was talking. She kept making these tiny movements like she was trying to stretch her lower back, and kept suppressing burps, and combined with her pleasantly neutral facial expression and "encouraging" nods, it gave the impression that I was boring her. It was really distracting.
posted by Serene Empress Dork at 2:03 AM on January 21, 2016

My therapist also ran a group so she had four sofas arranged in a square. It sounds bad, but it was really awesome. We could each move around from session to session depending on our moods.

I liked lots of natural light, that worked well for me.

Dogs. Once she brought her dogs and it was really neat.

The waiting room wasn't much, but I loved the collection of Oprah and Real Simple magazines.

My dad was a therapist and he always had a copy of the Desiderata on the wall. But he's a Berkeley hippie.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

posted by Ruthless Bunny at 4:04 AM on January 21, 2016

A lot of the aesthetic stuff has been covered, so I wanted to mention my therapist's amazing office layout.

* You enter the office (which is in an office building) and go into the waiting room. You flip a light switch with your doctor's name on it to let them know you've arrived, and then you sit down. There is no receptionist to awkwardly mumble to.

* Therapist comes and gets you, takes you to his/her office, and you have your session.

* You pay in the therapy room - therapist has an iPad with one of those Square thingamabobs. Again, no receptionist to awkwardly mumble to.

* You leave through a different door - you don't have to go through the waiting room again.

I really, really like this. Also my therapist takes appointments via text which is so nice for new patients who may need to call during their work hours but don't necessarily want their coworkers to hear them saying "Um, I'd like to talk to someone about my depression..."

I think it's nice to be conscientious when choosing artwork, but I mean, whatever you choose is going to bug someone, so I wouldn't spent too much time worrying about this. Ask patients if they feel comfortable in the space, etc.

I'm seeing my therapist today, actually, so if I notice anything else I will let you know. One small thing I really like about his office is this small sign that reads "It's Okay to Not Be Okay." It's positioned right behind him so I see it a lot and find it very comforting.
posted by schroedingersgirl at 4:39 AM on January 21, 2016

Seconding houseplants. My therapist has some orchids by the window that I really like - gave me something to comment on the first time I went in and was feeling awkward, and it's been fun to watch them bloom and go dormant ever since.

This isn't really a furnishing, but my therapist always offers me tea or water when I come in. These days I usually just bring my own, but early on or when I forget to bring mine, it's a really comforting touch. The mugs she uses are just regular household-style ones, too, which I also likes - feels more welcoming than Starbucks-style paper cups.
posted by DingoMutt at 4:45 AM on January 21, 2016

I appreciated having multiple seating options in my therapist's office. Slouchy couch or more-upright chair? Closer to your therapist, further away, facing them or not? I could choose depending on my mood.

I agree with everyone about making the art/decor as unobtrusive as possible. I also dislike signs/posters with specific messages, even if they're meant to be reassuring - I'm not in therapy with the walls.
posted by Metroid Baby at 5:37 AM on January 21, 2016

My office has two leather chairs, one leather loveseat... I appreciate the leather, easy to wipe down between clients (especially if someone comes in and has a cold). There's also an office chair at the desk, I seldom use it, feels too authoritarian.

Art work is abstract but simple, and not overwhelming... two small prints, a piece of fabric art and a photograph. Bookshelf is handy (I often recommend books or actually give them to clients). Tissue (and, get the good stuff, don't make them use the cheap sandpaper tissue!) is within reach from any seating position. A couple of fidgets, kids especially find them calming and something to focus on while we talk. Drawing paper and pencils/crayons are good to have for both distraction and for therapy uses. I also keep some legos on hand for kids, again, we can talk while they build (in most cases, some kids can't multi-task like this)... but, toy/games should be out of reach/out of sight if, for the moment, you just need to interact without that distraction, so it's great to have some storage with doors.

Organize your forms/worksheets/handouts so they are easy to find... clients don't like sitting while you rummage through your desk looking for that one CBT worksheet they need...it also makes you look disorganized.

Keep all client files in drawers, nobody wants to think that their file (with their name on it) is visible to other clients.

I'm lucky in that the two large windows behind the desk overlook a lake (the downside is that the windows face west so there's significant sunlight coming in that can be blinding during parts of the year, especially in the afternoon). Be aware of the placement of the windows.

I have overhead lights but more frequently use natural lighting or floor/table lamps.

soundproofing is critical.. my office isn't the best at that, it's a problem. Also, if you can be at the end of a hall, away from checkout windows, waiting rooms, etc...it's less noisy.

Dogs are great...BUT... unless you have a place for the dog to be when a client is uncomfortable with the dog, it can be problematic (and, some clinic/shared space situations will not allow dogs for liability reasons).

I agree, nothing scented, ever...
posted by HuronBob at 5:57 AM on January 21, 2016

My last therapist was great, but her office was in an older strip mall and smelt strongly of mildew/staleness. (It was probably the entire mall that smelled, not strictly her office.) The smell reminded me a lot of the basement in my grandma's church. It wasn't a bad memory per se but it added unnecessary shading to my thought processes I think. Agreed with everyone who said minimize smells.
posted by agress at 8:17 AM on January 21, 2016

Space to get a wheelchair in and out, and ideally without difficult maneuvering - if I show up and you have to move a bunch of furniture around to get me in the door, that feels rather unwelcoming and at best is a really awkward start to the therapeutic relationship. Even if you apologize and have the best of intentions or whatever.

And if you do have to do that, maybe just apologize briefly and be matter-of-fact about doing it, instead of setting it up for me to do the emotional labor of assuring you that it's okay and I don't mind ... that's not the kind of emotional labor we're there for. Ugh.
posted by spaceman_spiff at 8:21 AM on January 21, 2016

My last therapist didn't have blinds or curtains (her windows faced a river so it wasn't a privacy thing) and sometimes the sun would shine directly in my eyes. Don't do that.
posted by desjardins at 8:41 AM on January 21, 2016

- Clean clean clean. It's really distracting to see cobwebs in the corners or scuffmarks on the walls.
- Clock that can be seen by the client
- Side tables for tissues, with decent quality tissues, and a small wastebasket so I'm not left awkwardly holding on to my wet tissues
- Totally agree on nothing scented
- Comfortable sofa/chair that isn't too sinky. I go to one therapist where the couch provides no support and it's awful for my neck injury. Honestly, I'd much rather sit in a supportive desk chair as you mentioned.
- Coat rack
posted by radioamy at 11:50 AM on January 21, 2016

If someone sits in front of an unshaded window, their facial features can't be seen by someone looking at them straight on. Either put up blinds or a curtain of some sort, or position chairs to avoid glare behind anyone's head.

I'm over 55, and the low seating in my shrink's office seems to be harder to get out of with every passing month. Seating doesn't have to be in the highest range of normal, but be considerate of those whose knees have seen better days.

When I'm waiting, I really don't feel comfortable overhearing what's happening in a therapist's office, mostly because I feel like other people can hear me when I'm in there. I don't like white noise, but use it if you need it. Music can be good at masking or distracting from office sounds.
posted by wryly at 2:34 PM on January 21, 2016

An office chair on its own would feel weird because they're meant to be used with desks. Sitting in one and facing another person for a whole hour, without a table inbetween you would be uncomfortable.

Overall a therapists' place should be 50% doctors office, 50% living room. Get an eames lounge knockoff, or a wide but square-ish armchair.
posted by hyperion at 4:58 PM on January 21, 2016

Water definitely. When I'm talking a mile a minute, or if I've had to rush to get to the appointment or if I'm crying, I get super dehydrated. Having a cold cup of water to sip from saves me a lot of coughing and gasping.
posted by bendy at 8:08 PM on January 21, 2016

No animated screen saver on the therapist's PC or laptop! Unanimated is fine
posted by Diag at 3:14 AM on January 26, 2016

* You leave through a different door - you don't have to go through the waiting room again.
Architecturally, it's difficult to find offices with separate in and out doors, but it's worth having. Part of the reason I started seeing my former therapist was to process the awkward relationship I had with my manager, who, it turned out, was also a patient of my therapist. It was pretty uncomfortable the few times my manager and I ran into each other in the therapist's waiting room.
posted by Multicellular Exothermic at 8:42 PM on February 6, 2016

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