happiest hours
January 14, 2016 1:50 PM

seeking LA bars at least somewhat conducive for early-evening write-togethers with author pals!

hi! I moved to los angeles last spring, and am enjoying the endless journey of getting to know this crazy place. I'm an author who works from home, which usually means coffee shops. however, occasionally errands strike earlier or the muse strikes later, and a couple pals & I end up writing in local bars in the late afternoon/early evening. but like I said, still sorta new to town, and we'd love any recs for more spots where it's not weird to bust out a laptop or notebook, if I can ever make myself write longhand, sigh.

we prefer places that don't get super busy on weekdays (at least, from like 5-8); aren't absurdly dark; aren't wildly loud (so probably no sports bars); and are roomy & friendly enough that grabbing a table for 2-3 hours isn't a big deal. of course we buy drinks & tip lots, too. outlets + wifi are a megabonus but not expected or necessary. so is happy hour fare!
basically like these kinds of places but bars.

we've silver lake-based so the eastside is most convenient, but we're interested in places across the city, too.
and heck, even stuff like hotel bars. or non-bar spots. thanks!
posted by changeling to Grab Bag (3 answers total)
p.s. I am a queer lady; my author pals are straight women, but we'd alllll like to avoid bro-y places. y'know.
posted by changeling at 1:51 PM on January 14, 2016

Village Bakery in Atwater is not a bar but is conducive to this. (Medium size; closes at 7pm.)

The Coffee Table in Eagle Rock (also not a bar; closes at 10pm) is really good and has the bonus of being quite large (check the bonus area down the hall, past the bathrooms) so when I've worked there I've never felt any discomfort at all about keeping a table for several hours. Come to think of it, the lounge area in back probably has alcohol in the evenings. I've only been there in the mornings.
posted by BlahLaLa at 4:16 PM on January 14, 2016

I'd go (and have gone) to the Village Tavern on Glendale in Atwater. Of all the bars in the area, I'd say that best fits the request.
posted by Pacrand at 8:22 PM on January 14, 2016

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