BART parking on a weekday when you're not commuting
December 27, 2015 10:31 PM

I stupidly said I'd go to South SF during the lunch hour on a couple of weekdays this week. I forgot that means I'm gonna have to use BART on a weekday and everything will be much more buggered than I'm used to on weekend travel.

I don't need to travel during the rush hour--basically just show up around lunchtime is the goal and probably leave right before rush starts again--but I have to drive from out of town to the nearest BART, I can't get a ride, don't bike, and unless taking Wheels is really the only option, I'd kinda rather not do it and take even longer to get home that night.

According to the Internet, parking at the BART stations near me will be long booked up by sunrise, and I don't want to get up that early to park (plus it's not like I need to be there that early). Where does one park in the Dublin/Pleasanton region after it's way too late to get a parking spot in the normal fashion? Or is there something else I'm missing in this stupid plan?
posted by jenfullmoon to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
BART offers single-day reserved parking permits ($6/day for the BART stations near Dublin/Pleasanton), which allow you to park in the permit/reserve lots before 10:00 AM. If this sounds like a reasonable option I'd definitely check out the availability right now, since the permits can sell out pretty quickly if you're not purchasing farther in advance.
posted by Jotnbeo at 11:03 PM on December 27, 2015

There's a mall near the Bart stop, could you park there and walk?
posted by bleep at 11:24 PM on December 27, 2015

This particular week you may be in luck with the regular parking lot - my driving commute into the city from east bay was completely empty (20 minutes instead of ~70 minutes), and my boss just reported that BART was completely empty as well coming in from the east bay (but on the Pittsburg line). Lots of tech companies shut down this week, and I think most parents either took the time off or are working from home.
posted by Jaclyn at 9:24 AM on December 28, 2015

Yep, bleep and phatkitten have it. Park at Stoneridge or one of the big strip malls across from either Dublin/Pleasanton station. There will be plenty of spots.

Another thing to consider: BART schedules on weekdays are different than weekend service, especially from the East Bay stops, so make sure you check the timetable or download an app so you don't miss your train/connections!
posted by assenav at 6:46 PM on December 28, 2015

Jaclyn turned out to be right--there was still parking space left when I arrived at 10:45. Yay!
posted by jenfullmoon at 8:40 PM on December 28, 2015

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