Early side scrolling webcomic in desert setting?
December 14, 2015 8:42 AM

In about 1999, I came across a neat webcomic. It was in a desert/pseudo Egyptian setting and each story would be arranged in a side-scrolling manner, like a roll of papyrus. It was beautiful and extensive enough that I remember needing to read it over many days. It rearranged my thinking about what was possible on the Internet. My Googling skills are failing on this one; does anyone remember its name or (!) have a still-live link to it?

Details I'm less sure of:

-Screenshots from the game Journey reminded me a lot of the overall look. It was not low-res at all; it took so long to load at my home dial-up speeds that I read it at school. Lovely desertscapes.
-Pretty sure there were no words. Or maybe just hieroglyphs.
-Could have been as late as 2002, or as early as 1997. I think it was still updating when I saw it, but it had been around long enough that there were a bunch. I feel like I spent hours looking at it.
-The side scrolling thing might have also involved the passage of time; like as you went on the sky would go pink with the sunset and then dark.
-Zero memory of the plot. There was a person who was the main character.
posted by tchemgrrl to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Was it When I Am King?
posted by ejs at 9:11 AM on December 14, 2015

Yay, thank you!

Wow, I had totally forgotten how NSFW it is.
posted by tchemgrrl at 3:50 PM on December 14, 2015

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