vicarious competence at video games
November 30, 2015 11:11 AM

I would like to watch other people play video games reasonably well. Specifically I'd like recommendations of playthroughs for Bloodborne (the DLC especially) and X-COM (Enemy Unknown, Within, Long War).

For BB playthroughs, I would like to see people using any of the new DLC weapons, or some of the more uncommon older weapons/builds for PvE. Attention to lore/environments appreciated. Deaths are unavoidable and expected, so what I'm looking for is good tactical play, not (for example) agonizingly slow repeat Kirkhammer misses.

For X-COM, basically all I need is for there not to be too many disasters. I'd rather watch a relatively smooth playthrough on Normal or Classic difficulty than an intense, challenging one on Ironman Impossible.

Examples that I've watched and enjoyed:
- Christopher Odd (both, but he hasn't done the DLC and it doesn't sound like he has time to)
- Beaglerush (X-COM, but he's on break from it right now)
- 8 Bites (Bloodborne + some DLC)
- Betawolf (Bloodborne)
- EpicNameBro (BB)
- Vaati (BB)
- Fungo (BB)
- Lobos Jr (BB + watching his DLC playthrough now)
- Oroboro (BB)
- Deathmonkey N (BB)
- Game Grumps (BB)
posted by automatic cabinet to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You might take a look at Northernlion's channel. He's done XCOM playthroughs in the past (and is starting a new one to 'practice' for the sequel coming out).
posted by mikurski at 1:02 PM on November 30, 2015

Marbozir, maybe.
posted by aloysius on the mixing boards at 7:08 PM on December 1, 2015

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