Stressed about the stress (fracture?)
November 6, 2015 5:34 AM   Subscribe

Of course you are not my doctor and I need to go to one! Any personal experiences you have that you can share to help me choose where to go and when in caring for my foot injury would be most helpful! Many thanks!

The injury:
Pain in left mid-foot, outer metatarsals area, mostly on the top of the foot. A twinge about 2 weeks ago, then I walked a lot one day, then my foot had more of a twinge. I rested for a day. It subsided. I was careful with it for a week; some walking over the weekend. Sometime it hurt more after going down stairs. I did not exercise until yesterday. When the spin bike hurt immediately I just did some weight machines include leg presses that may have been a bad idea because it hurts all the time now even through the night. Some mild cold and hot symptoms throughout the two weeks.

Complicating factor, insurance:
Just switched insurance and have a very high deductible (for remaining 2015) so entire cost will be out of pocket. Due to this and time constraints, I'd like to pick the right provider so I'm not doubling up on visits and x-rays (ortho would do own x-rays for example even if some existed) and subsquent MRIs.

Do I start with the for-profit walk-in clinic or major not-for-profit walk-in clinic that have x-rays, I could get there today but the quality of radiology may be low? My GP, no x-ray, so requiring a second visit elsewhere? Or try to go straight to an ortho? I'm unlikely to get in with an ortho today or even next week possibly without going to my GP first I suspect.

As of this morning, I am wearing a clinical boot to minimize further injury especially as I know I can't be completely off my feet and have a lot of walking particularly on Sunday.

Bonus question on shoes:
I am not overextending on my exercise, this has all been typical doing a ton of walking, regular gym visits, and some running over the last few months. A contributing issue may be my beloved, worn-out, two-year old minimal Skecher Go Run 2s that I've had a hard time replacing. Any suggestions for replacements or for experiences with having to increase support would be great! I've been trying to keep to fairly minimal support with zero-ish drop so my feet muscles; however, if this is a contributor to the injury then I need to rethink. I'm 45 now so maybe need more support (or maybe just new shoes).

Many thanks!
posted by RoadScholar to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
Best answer: X-ray will not identify a stress fracture until it is pretty old. You may as well go straight to an ortho who has access to an MRI machine.

As for replacement shoes, go to a running store and have a professional look at you.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 8:08 AM on November 6, 2015

Best answer: You should go to an ortho and sports medicine place. Orthopedists are bone doctors and stress fractures often affect athletes. If you go to a walk in clinic, they will do an X-ray but refer you to a ortho for your care anyway. If you do have a stress fracture, it will probably just need to be rested so the bone can heal back together, but sometimes it requires surgery. If the stress fracture was caused by running, if you are continuing to run, even in different shoes, you may be preventing it from healing. You need a doctor to advise you.

Also, it's worth clarifying that X-rays only sometimes have problems seeing stress fractures and only sometimes would an MRI be necessary to see it. Generally, an X-ray is sufficient.

Maybe a doctor will charge you less if you make it clear you are paying entirely out of pocket. I think they often charge different rates for the insured vs. the uninsured.
posted by AppleTurnover at 9:52 AM on November 6, 2015

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