Is this conditioner awesome only because it's new?
October 21, 2015 6:13 PM

I can't tell if the new conditioner I tried (Kiehl's Superbly Smoothing Argan Conditioner) is awesome or if I think it's awesome just because it removed whatever build-up I had from my previous shampoo/conditioner routine.

If the conditioner is indeed awesome, I'd be willing to spend money on a full-size bottle. If it's the latter, however, I think I'd be better off frequently rotating conditioners or doing a vinegar rinse to switch up the pH every now and then...

What are the ingredients or buzzwords I should be looking for in my shampoo to know if it will work with my hair type and water hardness? I'm not very high-maintenance so I probably won't be able to put up with elaborate deep-conditioning routines, but I like having nice to have hair that feels less weighed down!

I have straight, fine, Asian hair and the water in my area is very hard. Don't have a way to soften my water at the moment. I wash my hair every other day or every 3 days, with Trader Joe's tea tree oil shampoo (which I don't love too much, but want to finish the bottle), Pantene or shampoo/conditioner from hotels. I also have this other Kiehl's conditioner that I use somewhat irregularly.
posted by gemutlichkeit to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (9 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Have you used other super-fancy hair brands before?

I've been using their Olive Fruit conditioning line (conditioner and treatment) for several years and I can attest that it is truly awesome. Even better than any other super fancy brand I have tried. I have wavy/frizzy blonde (ie: dry) hair and I love the hell out of this stuff. I use whatever shampoo I want, but the conditioning line is The Shit and has stayed The Shit for several years.
posted by Brittanie at 6:39 PM on October 21, 2015

Can't speak to the brand itself but could it be the argan oil? I have found argan/Moroccan oil to be a real game-changer for my hair (which is similar in texture to yours). In fact, I stopped using conditioner altogether and just put the oil in before I blow dry. In general, it tends to be expensive (if it's not, look at the fine print and it is probably not true argan or Moroccan oil), but I've found you don't need much, and the oil may last you longer than conditioner?
posted by lovableiago at 7:02 PM on October 21, 2015

Why don't you pick up a cheap bottle of new conditioner and try it out, see if it also weighs your hair down less? I've been using Trader Joe's Moisture Renew conditioner which is only $3 a bottle, and I looooved it at first but I'm thinking I need to switch it up soon.
posted by serelliya at 7:26 PM on October 21, 2015

I haven't used that specific hair conditioner but my experience has been that Kiehl's products are worth the money. Maybe they use unicorn tears or something but their hand and face creams always do the thing they're supposed to do. Every few months I'll cheap out and stop using them and then I pass the store on Newbury Street in Boston, "just to look around and get free samples," which is a giant lie I tell myself because I always walk out spending at least $100 on stuff.
posted by kinetic at 2:28 AM on October 22, 2015

I use the Kiehl's Amino Acid conditioner and I love it. I can't get it where I live so I order it or buy it when I'm somewhere with a Kiehl's store. Totally worth the money and after many years of searching for the perfect conditioner, I have finally found it.
posted by futureisunwritten at 6:26 AM on October 22, 2015

One thing that stands out to me is how heavy Pantene is. Before I got sensitive to scented products, I liked to use it on my super thick hair to weigh it down. If you have fine hair, don't use such a heavy conditioner. That may be part of what you're seeing. Also use a clarifying shampoo once in a while.
posted by radioamy at 11:58 AM on October 22, 2015

Kiehl is paraben, sulfate, and silicone free. If you were using any shampoo or conditioner that wasn't so conscious of all of that, then it's going to make a difference, especially in a hard water are, because there is less moisture being stripped from your hair. Pantene is definitely too harsh for your hair. Tea tree oil based shampoos are not forgiving on my hair - I only use them when I have dandruff. Seems like your hair responds better to being more hydrated than constantly clarified.
posted by thischarmingirl at 1:56 PM on October 22, 2015

Another vote for Argan oil. I had a similar revelation with the ultra-cheap Suave Moroccoan Argan Oil shampoo + conditioner.
posted by joeyjoejoejr at 8:31 AM on October 23, 2015

I've been using Sally Beauty's 'One n' Only' argan oil styling products and they rock. Great prices and my hair is so smooth. The only drawback is I hate the scent, but it dissipates after blowdrying. Seriously, I was shocked at how soft it makes my hair. Try some more affordable brands you may find one you like just as much as the Kiehls.
posted by RichardHenryYarbo at 8:42 AM on October 23, 2015

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