Reluctant UK dog owner, staples chicken wire to furniture
October 5, 2015 7:13 PM

Mrs. Demon and I both remember reading, in either a book or a periodical, in the early '80s, an article about an Englishman who found himself with a dog he didn't really want, which dog then had puppies. To keep the puppies in one place, he made a pen by stapling chicken wire to his living room furniture. Does anyone remember anything like this?
posted by carping demon to Pets & Animals (1 answer total)
I don't know that particular story, but the time and story would put that into the bailiwick of James Herriot, the Yorkshire veterinarian of animals large and small through the mid to late 20th century, whose writings were collected in such books as "All Creatures Great and Small." That's a book I've read, and this doesn't sound like anything in there, but there were sequels I haven't read.
posted by Sunburnt at 9:39 PM on October 5, 2015

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