When to worry about foot pain?
October 2, 2015 4:35 PM

I am 5 ft 11 250 and decided I want to lose some weight. I figured I had to walk before I could run so I've been walking an average of 5 miles per day in hilly terrain for the last week or so. Anyway today the top of my foot near the back started hurting. I initially put it down as a bad tongue on my shoe and just kept walking. As of right now it's a minor inconvenience but, i work on my feet all day. I work friday/saturday/sunday and with a little luck i'll have a few days off. I'll know my full schedule tonight. Is this something I should be worried about or should I just put it down as the excess walking with slightly loose shoes and hope it goes away?
posted by mamamia88 to Health & Fitness (9 answers total)
BTW it's actually less painful when i stand up.
posted by mamamia88 at 4:36 PM on October 2, 2015

I don't have any particular information to add since I never saw a doctor about the problem, but I had a very similar problem under very similar circumstances. Within a couple of months, it got so bad that I could barely walk around the house, never mind my fitness walks. Not walking anymore made it better after a few weeks, but any serious walking over more than a couple of days brings it back.

Don't be me.

See a doctor.
posted by jacquilynne at 4:41 PM on October 2, 2015

You can really mess up your feet by starting a lot of walking in badly fitting shoes, especially if you're a bigger person. For now, take anti-inflammatories, rest, ice, elevate when possible - anti inflammatories especially. If it clears up after the weekend and a day or two of rest, get some properly fitting shoes and ease back into the walking, avoiding big hills. You may very well just have strained something by jumping into an exercise program too vigorously.

Start with just a mile or so and work up.

If it persists or returns on gentle exercise, see a doctor. I messed up my foot falling one winter, did not baby it and it still gives me trouble - not enough to keep me from walking, but annoying and I wish I'd been more careful.

Don't panic, though - odds are it's something innocuous.

My advice is not to exercise through pain, especially if you're older or heavier (said the chunky forty year old).

Also, if you can't do big walks for a while, there are various bodyweight exercises, kettlebell, etc that you can do at home. Or I've also found that going to the gym and using the elliptical on a lower setting supports the feet and legs far more than walking or running and is a good alternative when you're coming back from an injury.

posted by Frowner at 4:52 PM on October 2, 2015

Thank you for the excercise advice. It's fall in chicago which means walks will be pretty much out of the question soon.
posted by mamamia88 at 5:08 PM on October 2, 2015

This sounds dumb, but how tight do you tie your shoes? For the longest time I had top of foot pain until I realized that I had been tying my running sneaks too tight and with the double knot it was enough to do it. Keep in mind that your feet expand/swell with use. In my case I thought things were tied just right but didn't leave any wiggle room for expansion. This could also happen if you wear socks that bunch.
posted by floweredfish at 6:32 PM on October 2, 2015

I had similar sounding pain when I started running. I found that doing the PT work for "sprained ankle" strengthened every ing enough in a few days.

(Or, see your doctor)
posted by gregglind at 7:55 PM on October 2, 2015

I'm with floweredfish. I had top-of-foot pain that lasted until I stopped tying my shoelaces so tight.

I walk a lot and only wear a pair of sneakers for about six months before I have to get new ones. Go to a discount shoe store, DSW or some such, and buy a new pair that feels good.
posted by Peach at 8:28 PM on October 2, 2015

The key to exercise is starting slow and ramping up. Review the slow increase rate in the "couch to 5k" discussions. 5 miles a day for several days starting from "non walking" could be a stress on unexpected muscles. Warm soaks and gentle stretching help. Taking a break for a day or two helps. Or it could be the shoes.
posted by sammyo at 5:46 AM on October 3, 2015

I think I will go buy some new shoes. And it's not like I wasn't walking it's more like i was only walking a mile and half round trip to starbucks every couple days.
posted by mamamia88 at 8:01 AM on October 3, 2015

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