Looking for a replacement for the Kathmandu Guest House
September 13, 2015 10:14 AM

I just arrived in Kathmandu and am looking for a cheap room at a safe, cozy-ish guest house.

During my previous visits, I stayed at the Kathmandu Guest House [KGH] in a little room that was little more than a bed, a desk and a window. The great thing was that it was only about $2.25 a day, so I could (and did) stay for months.

The recent earthquakes destroyed the old wing of the KGH and now they are just using their newer, high-end section where the cheapest room is $40 a day.

What I liked about the KGH was that although my room was small, it was cozy. It had these two heavy wood doors almost like a cabinet. It felt safe (like I could leave all my belongings there if I went elsewhere for a week)—which is the opposite feeling I get from places with hollow-core doors and push-button "bathroom locks" on the rooms. The KGH was also kind of set back and removed from the noise of Thamel, so it was a peaceful place to retreat to when Thamel got crazy. Finally, it was an old Rana palace, so it looked cool inside and it was kind of like staying at a funky 1970s ski lodge.


I am looking for recommendations of cheap, but safe/cozy places you have stayed in Kathmandu (doesn't have to be in Thamel). Hollow-core doors need not apply.
posted by blueberry to Travel & Transportation (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Have you tried walking around town scouting out other places?

What about something like hostelbookers or the like? Not sure how likely Kathmandu guest houses are to be online, or how likely the ones online are to be cheap (when I went to India I def. noticed that places you could book online or that had a lot of online reviews tended to be exponentially more expensive than the places I just walked by and stopped into). But it might give you some ideas.

When I backpacked India, I would usually arrive in the tourist/backpacker ghetto (which is Old Freak Street for Kathmandu, yeah?) and walk around on foot to find the best deals. I also got some great places by calling ahead to spots in the Lonely Planet et al, via phone.
posted by Sara C. at 4:39 PM on September 13, 2015

I was in Kathmandu a couple of weeks ago and had breakfast one morning at Ting's, which is on a beautiful quiet side street. It was ridiculously relaxed and cozy and even though I wasn't staying there I wanted to move in permanently. It's not $2.25/day(!) but their cheapest room is $20, which is pretty great for how nice that place is. I have no idea about their door quality but it felt very safe.
posted by theodolite at 5:34 PM on September 13, 2015

(And, I know that the old $2.25 price was a crazy aberration that I was lucky to find, I'm just hoping to be able to find something more in the $5–$8–$10 range, than in the $20–$40 range)
posted by blueberry at 10:56 PM on September 13, 2015

As a rickshaw / tuk tuk driver. Tell them that you want a room like in the old wing of the KGH in your price range.
posted by Thella at 12:24 AM on September 14, 2015

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