UK pram fitting
September 8, 2015 5:59 AM

I have some questions about prams / pushchairs in the UK. I have an old Mothercare MyChoice My3 pram frame and I'd like to buy more bits for it, but Mothercare have discontinued it.

I think that the fitting for this pram frame is standard (or a de-facto standard), because several car seats from different manufacturers fit onto it.

1. Is there a name for the fitting which is common to MaxiCosi Cabriofix car seat, Cosatto Giggle car seat and Mothercare MyChoice My3 prams?

2. Can I buy an adaptor which will let me put a Cosatto Giggle 2 cot onto a Mothercare MyChoice frame? (If so, please link.)

3. Can I buy a new cot which will fit the fittings from (1), i.e. fit onto a Mothercare MyChoice My3 pram? (If so, please link.)


posted by richb to Shopping (3 answers total)
> As far as I know, they don't really make after market adaptors.

They do seem to in the UK: Mothercare sells about 50 different pram / carset adaptors.

I just can't find whether they have the one I need because I don't know the name of the connection I have.

It seems to be much easier in tech: if I need a USB to RJ45 adaptor, I can find one easily and I can be sure it will work because "USB" and "RJ45" are well defined and well understood standards. There doesn't seem to be an equivalent for "the fitting which is common to MaxiCosi Cabriofix car seat, Cosatto Giggle car seat and Mothercare MyChoice My3 prams". This is probably deliberate to make you buy new prams, of course :-)
posted by richb at 6:17 AM on September 9, 2015

> Right, but they are specific to the stroller and manufactured by the stroller manufacturer

Sorry, I don't understand you.
What is specific to the stroller and manufactured by the stroller manufacturer?

The adaptors are not. As you can see from the link above, Mothercare manufacture adaptors for many different brands of stroller.

The fitting shapes are not specific to the stroller manufacturer. As you can see from my original question, the MaxiCosi Cabriofix car seat, Cosatto Giggle car seat and Mothercare MyChoice My3 prams all share the same fitting.

If you don't know; it's fine to say that you don't know or just to not answer :-)
I do appreciate that it's quite a niche question. I wasn't able to get the shop attendant at Mothercare to help me, so I was hoping someone at MeFi would have inside knowledge.
posted by richb at 6:46 AM on September 9, 2015

Fine, thanks. Any thoughts on my specific enumerated questions above?

> this is a MotherCare adaptor

You are correct. This doesn't answer my question though.

That adaptor fits into the Mothercare "orb" range.
It does not fit into the old Mothercare "My Choice" range, which happens to share a fitting with (at least) MaxiCosi Cabriofix car seat, Cosatto Giggle car seat.

I am no closer to answering questions 1-3 above.
posted by richb at 1:32 AM on September 10, 2015

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