Toy/ Teacher Supply Store in Minneapolis?
August 24, 2015 8:41 PM

In Missouri, I loved US Toy. In Minneapolis, is there something like this? I'm looking for something like Oriental Trading Company: The Store but with teacher supplies, like posters. I couldn't find anything aside from Lakeshore... Please Help!
posted by Kestrelxo to Education (4 answers total)
Creative Kidstuff is pretty great. Locally owned, the owners are really nice folks.
posted by jbickers at 2:54 AM on August 25, 2015

That's pricier than Oriental Trading, though. What about that Global Marketplace thing on I think Lake Street?
posted by wenestvedt at 4:12 AM on August 25, 2015

Dollar Tree has classroom decorations, posters, & similar teaching supplies at this time of year. You'll find a much larger selection on their website, but there's always at least half an aisle devoted to teachers at this time of year.
posted by belladonna at 4:57 AM on August 25, 2015

I know some teachers like Ax Man Surplus. I remember my wife going there when she was in the classroom.
posted by Area Man at 2:33 PM on August 25, 2015

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