A blazer that fits like your favorite hoodie
August 11, 2015 6:17 AM

Where can I find fitted, work-friendly jackets/blazers that are 100% not bulky or stiff? Difficulty: must come in petite sizes and not-just-black colors.

I don't think I'm extra-willowy or bird-boned or anything, but 90% of women's blazers on my petite-ish frame make me look like this doll-- the fabric itself is out of scale for a smaller person, doesn't bend properly and looks stiff. Shoulders and sleeves seem to be a particular problem in terms of looking wide and too-bulky. Unfortunately, this makes it hard to shop for jackets online, since it's not an issue that's detectable on your standard 5'10" catalog model.

The one blazer I've found that works is this cheapie polyester one (due to conservative shape + knit fabric and ultra-thin lining) but it pills up and looks shabby after about a season. Does anyone have alternative ideas for movement-friendly fitted jackets you've loved? Ponte knit seems perfect, if I could find something nice in petite sizes. Finer woven wool suiting might drape nicely, but the look is a bit formal for my purposes (wearing with slacks and skirts, and over sweaters, in a business-casual environment). I'd prefer sleek, fitted cuts that avoid conspicuous funky details or slouchy/flyaway styles. 3/4 sleeves preferred, but not 100% necessary.

Online, USA-shipping is much preferred, and I'm willing to go up to $100 for the perfect piece (although cheaper would be better!). Ideas? Thanks!
posted by Bardolph to Shopping (11 answers total) 37 users marked this as a favorite
Check out Uniqlo's soft jersey jacket Right now the color selection is a little boring but they regularly restock so if you try it and like it you will probably have more options later.
posted by cessair at 6:25 AM on August 11, 2015

I have this knit blazer from Nordstrom's brand that is fairly form fitting and comfortable to wear. It may be a smidge too casual for what you're looking for, but is so amazingly comfortable, and I wear it constantly for business casual work engagements. I dress it up with skirt and heels, dress it down for travel days with jeans and flats, but it's one of my favorite jackets.
posted by Suffocating Kitty at 6:39 AM on August 11, 2015

I have a few knit blazers from The Limited. I've also been eyeing this blazer from ModCloth - it doesn't come in petite but it does come in lots of different colors. As a fellow petite person, I think that look for 3/4 sleeves will be helpful.
posted by kat518 at 6:59 AM on August 11, 2015

I can't vouch for this specific jacket, but I've bought similar knit blazers from J. Crew before and they were extremely comfortable and flattering. Since this is Factory it's probably unlined or crappily lined, but I never found that to be a big problem with the knit items like this. Look for coupon codes and you can probably get it under $100.
posted by gatorae at 7:03 AM on August 11, 2015

Have you tried LOFT or Ann Taylor? I've had luck with their pants and blazers in terms of comfort, fit, and durability. (I wear regular sizes on top and petites in pants -- bodies are weird.)

This is a little over your $100 budget, but both LOFT and Ann Taylor have 30-60% off deals on what seems like a monthly basis so you could probably get it for significantly less than list price if you watch for sales over the next few weeks. I have what I think is an older version of that jacket and it has held up nicely for 3+ years and is very comfortable.
posted by cimton at 7:09 AM on August 11, 2015

I have the Modcloth blazer that kat518 suggested, in the lighter gray color, and I was going to suggest it too. It's stretchy and comes in lots of colors. A lot of the reviews complain that it's too small in the shoulders and arms, and the arms are short, so it might work for a petite person. The "tail" in the back is a little long, but I think it's just the style.
posted by sometamegazelle at 7:28 AM on August 11, 2015

I just bought a jersey knit blazer from Old Navy and it is AWESOME. I never have a problem with Old Navy stuff and it wears like iron, at least for me. Wearing it with a nice tank or t underneath is like wearing jammies to work, it's that comfortable. The cut is very flattering. Comes in reg and petite. You can buy online and return online or in a store.
posted by the webmistress at 8:19 AM on August 11, 2015

Petite here working in the tech side of financial services and seconding Suffocating Kitty's suggestion for the Caslon knit blazer. I bought 3 in different colors. I wear them every week at least once. Might be a bit too big on you, I had to get XXS instead of XS. I will warn you that it's unlined and as SK said, a bit casual.
posted by driedmango at 9:31 AM on August 11, 2015

I have narrow shoulders/a small frame and H&M blazers fit me extremely well and unlike many places are true to size (I have to wear an XS in Loft, Old Navy, Gap but am a solid 6 in H&M blazers). They come in a range of styles -- I would order a bunch and then return the ones you don't like.
posted by ethorson at 9:54 AM on August 11, 2015

Came in to recommend the Caslon blazers at Nordstrom, and see that Suffocating Kitty got there first. I have this one (which is a slightly different style) and wear it to my business casual office with slacks and skirts.
posted by Tentacle of Trust at 5:33 PM on August 11, 2015

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