How to get dye fumes out of my kitchen
July 29, 2015 9:27 PM

I recently dyed a piece of fabric in iPoly's blue with it's color fixer, with all doors and windows open and several fans blaring. Hours later, the fumes are still there. How much cleaning/trashing do I need to do?

So, I dyed some fabric blue with iPoly's blue polyester dye this afternoon, in a stainless steel stock pot that's now going to be used for dyeing only. Five hours after I poured the dye water down the sink, my kitchen (studio apartment) is still filled with fumes. It looks like the steam that came out of the dye pot every time I opened the lid left a film of particles on my stove and on a ton of the appliances and surfaces in my kitchen. I'm cleaning every appliance, pot, pan, and surface I can with 409 and other household cleaners, and that seems to get rid of the smell on the individual objects or surfaces. I'm wondering though-- is this enough? And how much do I have to get rid of that I'm not able to clean? My pantry is right there, is it safe to keep any of the dry goods that have been exposed to that steam, or do I need to trash them? Can I leave my dog alone in the apartment until I clean this shit out without exposing her to harm? Experienced dyers of mefi, help.
posted by moonlight on vermont to Home & Garden (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Can't help with most of your questions, but if the fumes are still there tomorrow, I believe this is a job a blower could handle (courtesy furnace.heart).
posted by cotton dress sock at 1:49 AM on July 30, 2015

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