Moving to FL
December 1, 2005 1:06 PM

Hi, I wondered if any of you knew about where to live in Naples, Florida. My husband and I are in our mid-thirties, with 6 month baby. If the web is to be believed the average age is 137 and all there is to do is shopping and hurricane boarding and hoarding. We are a pretty hip couple moving from Brooklyn NY. We really enjoyed our neighbors and sense of community in Brooklyn but now our husband's job is moving us down to FL. We will probably rent in the short term and would like to be within walking distance of the beach and shops. Any advice would be great, thanks.
posted by libelula to Home & Garden (13 answers total)
Oy gads, where to start??...

It would probably be easier if you emailed me (profile); I think I'm the only mefite who lives in Naples (or even within 50 miles of it).
posted by contessa at 1:35 PM on December 1, 2005

If the web is to be believed the average age is 137 and all there is to do is shopping and hurricane boarding and hoarding.

Yep. That pretty much sums up life in Naples/Bonita Springs/Ft. Myers.

We will probably rent in the short term and would like to be within walking distance of the beach and shops.

On a mere mortal's budget, it would be very expensive to rent somewhere that is within walking distance of the beach AND shops.

I lived in that area for a few years after moving from Miami. It was quite a culture shock.

If you provide a bit more info about the kind of activities you enjoy and that sort of thing, I can point you in the right direction.

Also, if you are interested, I can give you contact info for the realtor I used when I moved there.

Also, my email is in my profile if you have more questions.
posted by necessitas at 1:36 PM on December 1, 2005

Florida is where a lot of people come to die retire. It also has a large, itinerant population of tourist, snowbirds and migrant workers that flock in each season. The number of cars on the road seems to quadruple around this time of year, and does not let up until Easter. But this area also likes to tout itself as the "Culture Coast," and there are a number of museums and artsy farsty enclaves around to be discovered. But you’ll have to get used to driving everywhere for everything, as little is centrally located and public transit is minimal. Consequently, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to roll over to Miami or up to Sarasota for concerts and events. If you are into nature, you're in luck, as there are lots of opportunities for fantastic birdwatching, beachcombing, kayaking and fishing. The weather dictates a lot of what you will do during the summer, as it rains almost every afternoon, but usually clears up by evening. But if you don’t like the humidity, you’ll spend most of that time indoors anyway.
posted by squink at 1:50 PM on December 1, 2005

Oh, and since this was posted this under home & garden, note that if you have any proclivity for plant life, you can grow just about anything but fuschias down here, all year long.
posted by squink at 2:06 PM on December 1, 2005

For the good of the community, I give my rundown of living in Naples, FL (specifically tailored to libelula).


You're moving down here as young marrieds/a family unit, which is good, since there is nothing, absolutely nothing, going for you if you move to Naples young & single (unless you're into really really old guys [or really really old women], and that's gross). At least you'll have some built in companionship. Also, the weather's nice. The people are friendly, if a tad unworldly/clueless (ref: 2000 & 2004 election returns). But they mean well. (except for the voting part, I reckon).


Unless your budget is very very large, you won't be able to recreate your walk-friendly, shop-centric, beach-convinient neighborhood of your dreams in Naples. If you're lucky enough to afford it, concentrate your housing search in Old Naples. There should be a good number of rentals there. I'm familiar with what it costs to live in B'klyn so I'm thinking on your terms here, not the average Floridian's. You will come to Naples representing "hip" culture, but let me assure you, there is no such thing here. Not as you understand it, anyway. The Naples version of hip is far, far below your standards, if it even exists at all, and I've got my doubts. There will be no other hip young people to hang out with. There are no bars or clubs with bands that you will like. Art, music, theater, and the like follow a very middle-of-the-road aesthetic, which mainly caters to the hordes of snowbirds that infest the place for 6 months a year, from November to May. Food is OK but not spectacular, and only recently seems to be branching out of the steaks & seafood mold to anything resembling exotic. If you do not have a car now, you will definitely need one upon your arrival, especially if you do not have the megabucks to live in the one and only part of town that does not require motored transportation (see above). Naples is by and large: white, old, conservative, Republican, "Christian," friendly but not fun, a tad boring. Oh yeah, and driving is fucking scary here. Again, I say this as someone familiar with driving/getting around in Brooklyn.

I've no idea what your situation is, or what your husband's profession is, but I do hope he's being compensated well for the lifestyle adjustment you all will have to make by moving here from NYC. I've lived in Naples since 1997, and just recently moved to Bonita Springs (while I still work in Naples). I came here from the DC area, also young and hip (at least, I'd like to think so), and have transmogrified into possibly the most boring person on earth, ever. So, whatever happens, keep it real, and go back to visit civilization often enough so you can't get sucked into the humdrum way of life that is Naples FL.
posted by contessa at 3:07 PM on December 1, 2005

Naples is incredibly boring, unless you like golf. But Miami is only an Alligator Alley away.
posted by The Jesse Helms at 4:23 PM on December 1, 2005

I was a resident of Naples for more than 15 years -- from the ages of 6 - 21 -- and, as such, wholeheartedly confirm all of the points contessa made above.

One thing that cannot be unscored is the institutionalized, oppressive culture of Southwest Florida. The area is steeped in Christianity and Conservativism (and the reek of paved-over swamp) and moving there from a liberal enclave like New York may prove to be very traumatic. Every time I return, I'm astounded by how backwoods FOX News Swift Boat the entire place is.
  • Update your auto insurance, particularly coverage for cases in which you are hit by an uninsured motorist and for the cost of a rental while your car is in the shop.
  • Speaking of which, there are a ton of price-gouging soulless repairmen (appliance, air conditioner, automotive, etc.) in Naples, so your next Ask MetaFilter question might be recommendations in those areas.
  • I'm not sure what electric bills are like in Brooklyn, but a four-bedroom house with moderate use of the air conditioner (all but required from May to November) might climb as high as $175 per month. Water bills are exorbitant, too, particularly during the dry season when Collier County starts restricting water usage.
  • You will never struggle to find a gas station, bank, pharmacy, or grocery store. There are one of each on every corner of every intersection, and more are being built every day.
  • Get used to wildlife invading your home and/or garage. Very common: countless types of ants, cockroaches, silverfish, earwigs. Less common: frogs, toads, lizards, racoons. Infrequent: armadillos, possums, turtles, tortoises.
  • Speaking of which, plan on teaching your little one to fear and respect wildlife. There are a lot of animals in Florida that can injure or kill you, including black widow spiders, rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, coral snakes, alligators. Pets should be watched closely while outdoors for the all same reasons.
  • Malls aren't just for shopping anymore! Now they're for sitting! And Orange Julius! If you grow bored with Coastland Mall and are in the mood for something a touch more exciting, the exotic Edison Mall is only 45 minutes away!
  • See this previous thread for other lousy activities in the area.
  • Category 2, stock up on brew. Category 3, board up and flee.
That's enough of my Harbinger of Doom routine for now.
posted by Danelope at 5:12 PM on December 1, 2005

Truly, between Danelope and I, we're the "all the questions you ever had about Naples, and are now sorry you asked" department.

The little lizards are cute, though.
posted by contessa at 5:31 PM on December 1, 2005

Totally off the wall: the people at juggling clubs are mostly young, friendly, and happy to teach new people.

Tuesday, 7:30-10 PM. Fleischman Park Community Center, 1200 Fleischman Boulevard, 941-649-3492. Bob Goetzelman, 941-267-7223, e-mail .
posted by Aknaton at 6:36 PM on December 1, 2005

Thanks, wow! this is my first time posting a question... you people are so generous.... thank you sooo much for the answers... I am freaking out a bit... I was just happy we were going to be moving to nicer weather.... I guess things are never that easy, huh?

I will most certainly email you guys indivudally for specific questions about your answers... that is, if you guys have allowed me to do so in your replies.....

Thanks again...wish me good luck, include me in your night prayers....I have a feeling I will be missing New York and it's garbage smell...
posted by libelula at 9:00 AM on December 2, 2005

We're in our early 30s, no kids, and just moved to Fort Myers from Chicago in July, so I feel your pain about losing cultural access. After swallowing my pride and accepting my new life and surroundings, I'm really loving Florida for its different way of life. Things are a bit slower down here (including the people) but they're also a lot kinder. Naples has cute downtown areas with decent shops (White House/Black Market, etc.) and there are lots of second-hand shops if you like bargain/treasure hunting. But it's not all shopping-- the beach is fantastic and every time I go I pinch myself that I get to live here!

If I were you I wouldn't rent for too long-- the housing market is crazy here and prices are rising by the minute. Check out Naples Park (just north of Naples) and also Bonita Springs. There was just a report that the median house here is no longer affordable with the median income, at least in Collier County (where Naples is). Get a short-term apartment and get in a house ASAP, IMO.

Good luck and welcome!
posted by orangemiles at 11:35 AM on December 2, 2005

when I moved down south - can I be your friend?
posted by libelula at 4:33 PM on December 2, 2005

I meant to say - when I move... sorry..
posted by libelula at 4:35 PM on December 2, 2005

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