Stay or go: Interview Edition
July 7, 2015 2:21 PM

I applied for a lateral transfer, but would miss significant aspects of my existing job if I took it. I waffled over email after being offered an interview, first declining due to personal reasons and then saying the personal issue was resolved. I'm having trouble parsing what would make me happiest and what professional ramifications would be for either choice (in particular, how insane I look now and/or will look if I back out again now or after the interview.) Thank you in advance and I really appreciate any help I can get.

Pros of existing job:
1. It's the devil I know.
2. Since my boss doesn't know the job she's supervising (to put it kindly) I have a lot of leeway to goof off when I want (helpful for my stressful position.)
3. My teammates are very cool people, and I've worked with them a long time.
4. I will eventually have the chance to switch to work from home if I stay in this position long enough.
5. Performance bonuses are available monthly.
6. I've networked pretty hard in the last year and lined up a chance for a paid internship in the fourth quarter (not guaranteed due to fluctuating business need.)
7. Systems used on a daily basis are high tech and easy to fix when broken since they were created in house.

Pros of new job:
1. Fixed schedule guaranteed (my existing job requires annual schedule bidding based on performance.)
2. Work will be more intellectually challenging.
3. There will be no requirement to upsell products, nor any monthly measure of bullshit-laden corporate "metrics" other than general efficiency.
4. The department is smaller and has a more relaxed and less cutthroat feel.
5. The demographics of the client base in this department tend to skew toward higher intelligence and reasoning capability (I'll be yelled at less and deal with fewer ridiculous requests.)
6. The employees who work in this department have much greater longevity and job satisfaction due to reportedly lower stress levels.
7. I'll have an opportunity to diversify my insurance knowledge, which may prove useful in a future venture into my own business (emphasis on the may as someone with my level of anxiety issues has a long way to go before self-employment would become realistic.)
posted by dissolvedgirl22 to Work & Money (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It's hard to evaluate without understanding the cons of each job but with what you've put here it seems like the new position has a lot more substantial and career-growth-oriented pluses.
posted by vunder at 2:44 PM on July 7, 2015

Cons of existing job: fluctuating schedules, incompetent management, stress
Cons of new job: less potential for promotion due to loss of network contacts if I transfer, out of date systems, no possibility of working from home

Essentially, the cons of each job are that it lacks the pros of the other. I can list more if helpful.
posted by dissolvedgirl22 at 3:47 PM on July 7, 2015

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