Theosophy/like groups in Auckland NZ?
June 8, 2015 2:04 PM   Subscribe

I've been interested in Theosophy and similar philosophies for a long time and have on several occasions considered joining up here in Auckland, New Zealand. However, I'm not entirely sure whether their activities will be of overall interest to me.

I have a degree in Religious Studies (not Theology) and have always been interested in the theories underpinning different religions (I'm not religious, though I was raised Protestant; if pushed, I'd identify as a "scientific mystic", whatever the heck that means).

My academic studies in this area focused primarily on psychological and biological theories of religion. I'm interested in knowing about groups here in Auckland where these sorts of topics might be discussed. I haven't been able to find much, however. Thus, the query to the hive mind. Any and all possible useful information will be appreciated.
posted by New England Cultist to Religion & Philosophy (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It will only be as interesting as the people involved in the group, so just... visit, talk about your interests, ask if anyone else present or not present has similar interests, and then arrange to attend at least one more meeting where those people will be attending - you don't want to miss the folk who have interesting intellectual discussions and don't attend beginners meetings, if they exist.

Sometimes groups like this have a collection of free floating non-believers who hang around for the discussion opportunities, which sounds basically like what you are looking for, not theosophy itself, so, good luck.

Worst case, it'll be a all a bunch of pseudo-intellectual flakes, true believers and credulous new agers, telling you your aura is *the complementary colour to the clothes you are wearing*, rather than just mostly, but you'll still have had a chance to visit their library, and it looks large enough to be worth investigating for that alone.

Other avenues for investigation, the local Unitarians, any eastern or pagan philosophy meet up groups (there used to be a 'Talking Stick Moot', but it seems to have stopped).
posted by Elysum at 4:43 AM on June 9, 2015 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks for that - you make good points. Guess I'll keep a look-out for what they are doing next and tag along.

Unitarians are a good option, though I am somewhat allergic to anything that labels itself a 'church'. Still, might be worth looking into.
posted by New England Cultist at 2:45 PM on June 9, 2015

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